The Writer

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Nancy and Steve sat around the now contained fire pit, staring into the flames as they danced. The sky had begun to darken and the fire provided a warm light to the surrounding area. Nancy had pulled out a notepad, and was scribbling something down, while Steve stared into the fire, deep in thought.

"What are you writing about?" He asked, not looking away from the fire.

"Nothing just.. Some notes."

"Bullshit, what are you actually writing?"

"Just some poetry, alright? Leave me be, Harrington." She said, rolling her eyes as she continued to write. Steve looked up from the fire, smirking at Nancy.

"Oh? You writing a loooooooove poem?" He teased, moving closer to try to read what she had written. She pulled away, holding the notepad close to her chest.

"Shut up, it's not a love poem. You gotta be in love to write a love poem, dumbass." She retorted, shoving him playfully.

"What, did your thing with the California boytoy not work out?"

Nancy suddenly tensed up, and a sad look crossed her face, as she began to cry. Steve reeled back a bit, surprised at the reaction, and put a hand on her shoulder, now genuinely concerned.

"Woah, hey, didn't mean to make you cry. What happened, Nancy? You know I'm here to listen if you need it." He said, rubbing her back a bit. As tough as he may act, Nancy was a close friend of his, and he wanted to make sure she felt like she had someone that cared about her.

"It's fine, it's just.. long distance is hard. And we just couldn't do it. Something about being so far away just made our relationship fall apart. We became distant, and one day I just.. Stopped hearing from him. Sent a letter saying he didn't feel like he loved me anymore and honestly? I felt the same. I just.. Couldn't feel the same connection without him there." She said between tears, and then broke down, sobbing. Steve just sat there, rubbing her back, and listening.

"That's really rough, I'm so sorry Nancy. Love is hard and weird and complicated, I think we both know that one pretty well. But I'm here for you, alright? What do you need right now?" He asked, remembering what Robin had taught him about comforting girls. 'You always ask what they need, never assume cause knowing you, you aren't right.' She had told him, and so far, she hadn't been wrong.

"I brought hot chocolate packets, but I forgot to bring anything to heat water up in... or the water... do you have anything? I just really like warm drinks when I'm sad.." She said shakily, looking up at Steve. He nods, and goes to get a pot he had brought.

"You brought a whole pot? Why the hell did you do that?" Nancy asked, giggling at him and wiping the tears off her face.

"Cause I got some canned soup and shit from the store and no way in hell am I eating that shit without heating it up first." He said, placing the pot on two pieces of wood, propping it up over the fire. He unscrewed a couple of the plastic water bottles, and poured them in. Nancy patted next to her, and he sat back down, waiting for the water to boil.

"So, if we're gonna talk about my love life, you gotta tell me about yours. You sure you aren't into Robin? You two seem quite close." Nancy asked.

"Ah, no, no. I was at one point, but as I said, definitely not her type."

"Alright then, any other girls you've found that managed to put up with you?"


"You should try and find someone then. You were this whole stud in high school and now what, you can't find a single girl to date you? That's not the Steve Harrington I know."

"I'm just not the same guy I was in high school. Which honestly, may be for the better."

Nancy sighed, reflecting on the two of them in high school.

"That's fair. You were kinda a dick."

"And you were the girl next door."

The two sat, remembering all of the memories they had made. Their relationship, their falling out, them becoming friends again. They were just two kids in a fucked up town, trying to be normal teenagers.

"Hey, was I too harsh with Eddie? I feel kinda bad since he ran off." Steve asked, rubbing the back of his neck.

"I mean maybe a little, he was trying to help. But I get the frustration. They should be back soon though, so don't worry too much." Nancy replied, reassuring him. He still seemed worried, but he always seemed to worry nowadays about the well being of those around him. Which in turn, worried Nancy. It was a big ol' cycle of worry. The silence between the two was broken by the sound of the other two bursting in through the woods.

"..and that's how I got the nickname 'Horn Master'." Robin said, and Eddie nodded, seeming a bit shocked. Steve rushed up to the two of them, nearly tripping as he grabbed Robin's shoulders.

"Thank god you two made it back safely. I was hella worried." He said hugging Robin and then hugging Eddie, before quickly pulling away and realizing what he did.

"Wow Steve, take me to dinner first at least." Eddie said, winking, and Steve rolled his eyes. Robin went to join Nancy by the fire, and Eddie went to do the same, before Steve stopped him.

"Hey, uh.. You good? I know I was kinda rough with you, I don't want you to think I hate you or something. And uh, your jacket is pretty messed up, but in the morning, we can go to the lake or whatever and clean it off if you want." He said, turning a bit red and looking at the ground. Eddie was a bit surprised at the genuine offer, and nodded.

"Hey man, I get you. I was a bit of an idiot, no worries. And sure, yeah. What're you and Nancy cooking up in that pot there?" Eddie said, gesturing to the now bubbling pot.

"Ah, shit, we were making hot cocoa, you want some?"

"Are you kidding? Of course I want some."

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