The Flowers

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(On another note, I'm finally moved into my new place! Working on getting a job, but until then, I have a lot of time to spend writing and such, so hopefully I'll be more consistent from here on out. Anyways, have some lovely Ronance today :D )

"Robin! Wait up, you're too fast!"

As Robin barrelled through the forest, Nancy struggled behind, trying to match her pace as she went, but struggling. Apparently being in the marching band made Robin a bit more athletic than one would've expected.

"I'm not that fast! Come on, you just gotta work harder! We're nearly there, just a bit longer!" She responded, giggling a bit at her friend's struggle. She could slow down, but there really was only a little more to go, and something about the wind blowing through her hair and the scent of fresh air just made her want to go faster and faster.

The two continued their sprint, eventually finding a clearing. As Robin finally slowed to a stop, Nancy looked around at the surroundings. A variety of flowers bloomed, and large oak trees seemed to encircle them, creating a brief place of respite for the various wildlife. A doe scampered away at the two bumbling into the clearing, and the sounds of various animals running through the grass and into the trees could be heard. Nancy stood in silence, in awe of the beauty of this area. So untouched by any sort of corruption, no humans in sight. Well, except Robin. But the beauty of the area wasn't interrupted by her presence. Instead, it seemed like the world around her seemed to be even greener, as the wind blew through her hair and the sunshine lit up her being with a gentle glow.

"You got a staring problem, Nance?"

It was about then that Nancy remembered that she was, indeed, an actual person and that she was staring directly at Robin, like a creep. She quickly diverted her attention, muttering apologies as her face became red. Robin didn't actually mind though, instead she seemed to just be curious why Nancy was looking. Did she have something on her face? She probably did. She always did.

"Well, what do you think? Isn't this a nice place?" Robin said, walking out to a small cleared portion and taking a seat. Nancy followed, still somewhat in awe of the quiet beauty.

"..absolutely. It's so nice to see a place just untouched by people." She responded, pulling out her notepad from her back pocket and taking some notes. She definitely wanted to write about this later.

"You're always writing Wheeler, why don't you take a moment and just sit with me? I don't bite." Robin says, and Nancy complied, sitting next to her (a bit closer than necessary, but neither was exactly mad about that).

"So.. how did you know about this place?" Nancy asked, and Robin sighed.

"Well, I came here with someone once."


"Just a... friend."

"Are we talking a friend, or a friend friend?"

Robin laughed. Nancy really was a sweetheart.

"Let's say, I thought we were friends but they did not." She replied, and Nancy nodded, placing a gentle hand on Robin's back. Her hands were small and soft. Robin didn't know why she took notice of it, but she did.

"Anyways, we came here when we were younger, middle schoolers if I remember right. I didn't really read the proper cues and tried to kiss them on the cheek, and they pushed me over into the flowers. As horrible of a moment as it was, I remember looking up at them from the ground as they stood over me, looking down at me, and it was a pretty sight, even if they did look disgusted at me." She continued, chuckling a little at the memory.

-On The Road- (A Steddie and Ronance Story)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora