The Drive (Part Two)

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"Not in a million years, eh?" Robin said, looking back at Steve, who had fallen asleep on Eddie's shoulder, both of them slumped into each other, fast asleep. Nancy laughed at the two, her laugh light and joyful.

"He's such an ass sometimes, I can't believe I dated that dork." Nancy said, shaking her head.

"Yeah, he's an idiot, but we love him and all his idiotness."

Nancy looked out the window, enjoying the view of the trees as they went. She was tempted to roll down the window, but the noise might wake up the boys in the back.

"You wanna know something funny?" She asked, and Robin nodded.

"When I was little, I used to drive with my Mom, and stick my head out the window. My hair would get all tangled and my mom would scold me, but I loved it. Something about the wind in my hair was just so nice."

Robin looked over at Nancy, a half smile forming on her face.

"Huh, wouldn't have thought you were the type to get your hair all messed up."

"What's that supposed to mean?"

"Well, I always saw you as sort of a.. To put it lightly, a priss. You always have been well put together, so to hear that you enjoyed that kind of thing as a kid is kinda cool." Robin said, not really realizing that she had just been a bit mean. Nancy seemed a bit taken aback, but didn't take it to heart.

"Ignoring you calling me a priss, I guess that makes sense, but I'm really not like that. Sure, I like makeup and dresses and stuff, but I also like all sorts of stuff that isn't as girly." Robin nodded, looking over at her in curiosity.

"Hmm, so little miss perfect isn't exactly what I thought she was. Interesting, interesting. Well, what do you like then?" Robin asked, figuring she might as well get to know Steve's friend (and ex).

"I like reading! I love books, I'm a frequent visitor at the library, and I've read basically all of their mystery books. Ooh, I also love writing! I actually am working as an editor right now for the Hawkins High paper." Nancy said, her face lighting up at the mention of writing and reading. Robin smiled, admiring seeing the girl brighten up so much. Not in a gay way though. Just in a.. Friendly platonic way.

"Dang, seems like you really like that, you look so happy talking about it."

Nancy blushes, embarrassed, and looks away.

"Haha, yeah just a bit. What about you?"

Robin leans back casually, keeping a hand on the steering wheel as she gestured with the other.

"Well, I'm a musician, so there's that, and I guess I like languages and shit. I'm fluent in Spanish, French, and Italian, learning some Russian as well."

Nancy nods, interested in the girl and her various talents.

"Ooh, can you say something in French to me? Pretty please?" She asked, and Robin rolled her eyes a bit, sighing.

"Only cause you asked so nicely. J'aime les femmes, et je suis content que tu ne parles pas français." She said, smirking a bit as the words seemed to just flow when she spoke them.

"What does it mean?" Nancy asked.

"Eh, that's for me to know, and for you to find out, babe."

"What? That's not fair!" She retorted, pouting jokingly.

"I never said I'd tell you what I meant, I did exactly what you asked."

"You're such an ass!"

"Yeah yeah, keep telling yourself that." Robin said, directing her focus on the map. As smart as she was, maps were definitely not her strong suit. She came across a fork in the road, and hesitated.

"Do you need help-"

"No! No, I know how to read maps. I just.. Need to make a left here..."

"Right, you mean?"

"Yeah, right, that's what I meant, was just uh.. Testing you. Gotta make sure you're as smart as you say you are." Robin said, trying to keep her laid back, street smart demeanor. Nancy nodded, seeing her struggle, and grabs the map from her.

"Here, how about you let me give you directions so I got something to do but stare out the window and listen to Eddie snore?" She suggested, knowing Robin wouldn't want to admit to not knowing where they were going.

"Yeah, sure, that works with me!" Robin nodded, secretly very happy that Nancy was taking over. She turned up the radio a little, and the two made their way through, with Nancy directing and Robin driving. Eventually, through a much less efficient route then originally planned, they made it to a clearing in the forest they had planned to go to, and Robin slowed the car to a stop.

"Well, ya fucking nerds, we're here."

-On The Road- (A Steddie and Ronance Story)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora