The Campfire Fun

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(A/N: Sorry about taking so long! I wasn't super happy with this chapter and tried to rewrite it but I think I'm just gonna kinda leave it as is and maybe come back to it. Anyways! Hopefully will have more consistent updates from now on :D)


"So, what do y'all wanna do now that we're finally all settled down?" Robin asked, swirling her cup of cocoa and looking between the group. Eddie shrugged, and Nancy didn't look up from her writing, except to occasionally take a sip of the drink.

"We could always, I don't know, get some sleep? Not all of us are night owls, Robin." Steve said, yawning.

"Nah, that's boring! Let's play a game or something. How about.. Truth or dare?" She suggested, looking between the other two. Nancy nodded, ready to get her mind off of things, and Eddie shrugged once more.

"What are we, twelve?" Steve said, rolling his eyes at Robin, who stuck her tongue out at him.

"I think you're just chicken, Harrington." Eddie said. Steve huffed dramatically, and internally sighed, knowing he might as well. Especially if it helped cheer Nancy up a bit, he figured he could put up with it.

"Fine, fine, dumbass, I'll do it. Robin goes first though, since she brought it up." Robin cheered at the reluctant agreement, and Nancy put her paper down, giggling at the antics between the two. Robin stood up, as if to think, and then turned to point at Nancy.

"Wheeler! Truth.. Or dare?" She said, and Nancy thought for a minute.


"That's laaaame but I guess I'll let it slide for the first time around. What is your most embarrassing fear, Nancy?"

"Um... I guess I'm scared of spiders?" She said, and Steve shook his head.

"You can't lie to us, Wheeler. You really aren't gonna own up to your fear of butterflies?" He said, and Nancy punched his arm, her mouth open.

"You said you wouldn't tell anyone!"

"Butterflies? Really Nancy?" Robin asked, and she nodded.

"Look I just don't like bugs at all, which includes butterflies, yes. Don't make fun of me!" She said, shoving Steve, who was laughing at her embarrassment, and Robin and Eddie couldn't help but laugh a little too.

"Fine then, Harrington, truth or dare?" She retorted, playfully crossing her arms over her chest with a huff. He smirked, ready for whatever Nancy could possibly tell him to do.

"Dare, cause I'm not a 'chicken', unlike what the metalhead over here thinks." He says, leaning back and puffing out his chest a bit, winking at Eddie teasingly.

"Hmm, I dare you to... go change into clothes of my choosing!" She says, standing up and mischievously giggling as she bent down to look through her duffel bag. Steve followed her, attempting his best cool guy walk, as Robin and Eddie waited for the costume change. Nancy shoved a bundle of clothes into his hands and ushered him behind his car (for privacy reasons). As he changed, she went back to the group, smiling sneakily.

"Wow, I'm soooo scared, this dare is soo scary Wheeler, come on, you think I haven't done this kind of a dare before? I was the party king in high school, I've done much-" Steve yelled to Nancy, but suddenly stopped. Nancy smiled wider at the sudden pause.

"Something wrong, Steve?"

"...where is the rest of it."

"What ever could you possibly mean?" She teased, as he walked back out from behind the car. Steve Harrington, in all his glory, walked towards the group in his newly acquired outfit, which consisted of a pair of acid washed jeans and a cropped sweater, both fitting him relatively snugly. Eddie's jaw dropped while Robin and Nancy began laughing hysterically.

"Damn, King Steve! Showing off those abs, I see. Please, give us a spin, I wanna see the whole fit!" Robin said, and he frowned, crossing his arms over his chest.

"You didn't say anything about crop tops, Wheeler." He said, putting his hands on his hips, making Robin laugh even harder.

"Come on, you look so good! Eddie, what do you think of the party king himself here?" Nancy asked between laughs. Eddie just stared, not sure what to say. Steve turned red, and sat down next to Robin, glaring playfully at Nancy.

"Since you can't seem to take your eyes off of me, Eddie, truth or dare?" Steve said, teasingly, and Eddie looked away, trying to play it off.

"You wish, Steve, and hit me with a truth, how about it?"

"And you called me a chicken. Well then, Eddie, how about you tell the class... what's your body count?" Steve asked, leaning in a little.

"Probably nothing compared to that of King Steve over there, but 3." Eddie said, leaning in as well, winking at him, causing Steve to withdraw and look away.

"Dang, Steve, I'm pretty sure that's like, 4 more than you." Robin teased, and Steve jabbed her in the side, rolling his eyes.

"Anyways, I'm getting a little tired, so I'm gonna get some sleep. Don't burn the forest down while I'm asleep, how about it?" Steve said, standing up and brushing himself off.

"Yeah, yeah, you old man." Robin commented.

"It's probably best if we all get some rest, it's getting kinda cold." Nancy said, and Robin sighed, nodding.

"Should we put out the fire then?" Eddie asked, not wanting to lose the light or the warmth, but also not wanting to catch fire in his sleep.

"I'll take care of it, go lay down you guys." Steve said, and the rest of the group headed to their separate areas, Robin and Nancy having set up their sleeping bags under a pine tree nearby and Eddie having just thrown down a blanket over some dirt nearby. Steve took the now cooled pot of water, and put out the fire, causing the forest to become dark once more. The light of the dying embers gently lit the ground, as Steve fumbled around in an attempt to find where he had set his things. Eventually (after tripping a couple times), he made his way to his bag, and changed into his own clothes for the night. Finally, the group having made their nightly preparations, they each fell asleep. 

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