The Eyeliner

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As the sun rose over the trees, birds began to sing gently and the forest came to life, as animals all over awoke and began their day. That was, of course, except for Steve and Eddie. Both were fast asleep, exhausted from the night prior. Robin however, was not. She looked around, stretching and yawning quietly. Their makeshift camp seemed to have been left untouched, luckily, and the rest of the group had yet to wake up.

She looked over at Nancy, who had set up her things close to Robin (which she had said was for safety's sake, of course). She slept quietly, a peaceful smile resting on her face. Her hair was messy, but in an endearing way. Robin smiled, just enjoying seeing Nancy in this state. It wasn't like Robin had any sort of feelings for the girl, but pretty women are pretty women. And Nancy was quite pretty. At least, according to Robin. She reached out, not really thinking, brushing the hair out of Nancy's face. Nancy stirred, her eyes opening and sleepily looking up at Robin. In her very gay panic, Robin smacked Nancy, pulling away quickly.

"There was a bug on your face! Sorry sorry sorry, didn't mean to wake you, I thought it was gonna bite you." She quickly explained, trying to cover up the fact that she was admiring the girl. Nancy, still processing the whole thing, just nodded and smiled.

"...good morning to you too, Rob." She said, and gently pretending to smack Robin back, who was now flushed a bright red. She was used to being bad around pretty girls, but this was definitely not a good moment for her. Nancy looked past her, over to the boys, who were both still quite asleep.

"We should totally go mess with them." Robin suggested, and Nancy giggled and nodded. Robin looked through her bag and pulled out an eyeliner pen, handing it to Nancy, who smiled mischievously, and quietly made her way to Steve. Robin followed behind, a little less quietly, but managed to not wake either of the two up. Uncapping the pen, Nancy kneeled down and began working on the masterpiece. She started simple, drawing some hearts on his cheeks, and then handing the pen off to Robin for the next doodle. Robin added some cat whiskers, and suppressed a giggle.

"What the fuck are you two doing?" A hushed voice came from behind them, and they saw Eddie, who had woken up from the noises. Robin waved him over, and he stumbled towards them, wearing the blanket he had somehow gotten in the night over his shoulders. Looking down, he grinned at the girl's work, and held a hand out for the pen. Robin obliged, and he added a final doodle, a classy dick on Steve's forehead. The three, now satisfied with their work, decided to go sit and wait for Steve to wake up.

In about thirty minutes time, Steve stirred and sat up, seeing the three sitting around what used to be their fire, chatting quietly. He noted that Eddie had still kept the blanket, and smiled to himself. He seemed to be in a better place, at the very least. Robin noticed him sitting up, and looked over.

"Morning, dickhead!" She called, and Steve glared, rolling his eyes.

"It's so early, must you already be so mean to me?" He said, standing up and walking over there, rubbing his eyes tiredly.

"I don't know man, she's pretty accurate. You are looking like a dickhead this morning." Eddie added, and Steve sat down next to him, shoving him a bit.

"What are you guys talking about? Stop being asses." He retorted.

"Nah, nah, you guys, I think he looks more like a pussy this morning." Nancy said, trying to hold back her laughter.

"What is with you guys? Do I really look that bad?" He asked, and Robin broke, laughing hard and loud, as the other two joined him. Nancy handed him a small compact mirror she had in her pocket, and his jaw dropped when he looked at his reflection.

"You jerks! This better be makeup or I swear y'all are gonna have to walk back to Hawkins." He said, crossing his arms. Eddie took a hand and rubbed Steve's cheek with his thumb, causing Steve to turn a bit pink at the sudden contact. He showed his thumb, which was smeared with black eyeliner, and smiled.

"Nothing to worry about, they didn't ruin your pretty face." Eddie said, winking. He enjoyed messing with Steve, something about his reactions was endearing to him.

"..well I'm glad to hear it. I'm gonna try to get this off, and then if y'all want to stop being children, I can get some food from my bag and Eddie and I can go wash off his jacket. Alright?" Steve says, and Robin sighs and nods in agreement. Steve stands and goes back to his car, attempting to get the rest of the stuff off his face as he goes. He pulls out some fruit and granola bars he packed, and goes back, tossing some to each of the people.

"Thank you, Steve." Nancy says, still a little amused at the streaks of black on his face.

"Yes, thank you Stevie." Eddie adds, earning him a jab in the ribs, and he gasped dramatically. He didn't really mind though. Not if it was Steve. 

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