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Hi, I am Ajax Wells. Addison's sister and Bucky's cousin but not by blood. You see, I am adopted and Bucky likes to use that against me and because of that and the fact no one knows it, I was kind of forced to become an Acey. 'Macey", which was a stupid name. Well, sorry if you are Macey but I dislike the name.

Anyways, I am an Acey but people do avoid calling me so. They rather call me AJ, shortening my name because Ajax is not really a name for a girl, which is total bullshit.

Everything is bullshit, or so I thought until I met them.


A/N: Hi! After seeing the Zombies 3 trailer and listening to the Alien Invasion song I suddenly got some idea's to write for the Zombies fandom! I also wanted to start over because my former Zombies fic was a bit weird and the plotline was kind of strange. Anyways, have fun reading! ♡

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