Part 2 - The Virgo

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Elizabeth looked at Amber in awe. She couldn't believe that after searching for over half a century, she had finally found someone or better yet, someone found her.

She explained to Amber that long ago, there was a prophecy that told the end of days, a darkness that would spread across the planet and the gates of hell would open, destroying the world as we know it.

"I know that all sounds terrifying, but a second prophecy read, four almighty, powerful females will rise up and protect their world, banishing any creature that lurked through the gates, condemning them to the underworld, never to return." Elizabeth said with so much hope.

Amber looked at her with an unsettled look on her face.

"So your saying I could be one those girls? One of The Chosen Four? She asked panicked.

"For once in my life, yes I really do." Elizabeth replied.

Amber paced around with one hand on her hip and the other covering her mouth.

"Before today I didn't believe in magic or supernatural, I thought it was just make believe, but when you walked into the shop and I seen you...your the same person those women showed me in my dream. How is that possible!" Amber said rushed.

Elizabeth muttered to herself

"The gift of sight." She said.

"What?!" Asked Amber with great confusion.

"What's your star sign, Amber?" Elizabeth asked.

"Virgo." She replied.

Elizabeth jumped up out of her seat as realisation hit.

"Of course! The Virgo! The Virgo's element is earth, earth is nature. You dream of a forrest kingdom, where you can grow plants and you are connected with animals. You work in a flower shop for goodness sake! Your connected to nature. I don't think your dreams are just dreams, I think you were looking into your future." She says with great excitement.

"Oh my god." Said Amber with a scared expression on her face.

"I know this is a lot to take in." Said Elizabeth.

"Yes." Amber replied abruptly.

Elizabeth stopped.

"You say I'm seeing my future...but that dream turns into the that what's coming." Amber said frightened.

Elizabeth walked up to Amber and held her hand.

"I'm not sure, but I do know if that is what's coming, we need to find the others, but to do that I need your help. This isn't a one woman battle, The Chosen Four are a united force. Please will you help me?" She asks.

"How? What can I do that could possibly help you?"Amber said raising her voice.

"It's time to start your training, come to my house as soon as you finish work." Elizabeth said.

She rushed out the door, leaving Amber alone who sat and went over everything she had just been told. She had only just met Elizabeth, who to many others would just seem like an odd woman, but immediately Amber felt comfort being around her, she didn't know why but something deep down told her that she could trust Elizabeth.

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