Baking Cookies/Lady Y Trouble

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Sayori.exe: Make me cookies!!

Y/n: ....

Sayori.exe: ....

Y/n: ....

Sayori.exe: ....

Y/n: ....why?

Sayori.exe: Cause I said so

Y/n: but-



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Y/n: *sigh* fine -_-

Sayori.exe: YAA!!!!

If your wondering what's going on right now I just got home and the moment I crash on the couch I'm being forced to make cookies.

I guess it ain't too bad considering that this wasn't the first time she's forced me to make cookies for her in fact she prefers my cookies over Natsuki.exe's cookies. I guess since she's made this a habit for me that I became so good at cooking and baking it makes Natsuki.exe throw a fit every time I bake.

Speaking of Natsuki.exe a thought entered my head......

Y/n: wait where's Natsuki? Doesn't she make cookies too?

Sayori.exe: oh she's passed out in that corner over there *points*

I look over to see Natsuki.exe passed out on the corner while Yuri.exe is trying to tend to her even though she has no arms to do so (so sad tbh)

Y/n: gotta stop doing that I know you all are immortal and all but this is just getting ridiculous -_-

Sayori.exe: *chuckles nervously* I guess I got a little too carried away...

As we reached the kitchen I go and get the materials and place them on the countertop and began my ritual of making cookies

Sayori.exe: ...... *reaches for the chocolate chip bag*

Y/n: *smacks hand* nope remember the last time you done that..


Y/n: alright now for the chocolate chips and I can put them in the oven

I reach over to find the bag missing

Y/n: .....

I hear noises as I turn to see Sayori.exe with a handful of chocolate chips in her hand over her mouth

Y/n: D O N T

Y/n: Y O U

Y/n: D A R E

Sayori.exe: .......shit

She stuffs the chocolate chips in her mouth and proceeds to run away while I grab the bat and begin the chase

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