i wanne leave

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If you get triggerd fast please imidiëntly stop reading the page and get awey from this book as it will only mention hate, death and selfharm. I warned you

Blaze was sitting on his bed. The others had left to hangout together as they promised but blaze din't wanne go animore. So when the others left solar was the second one who wanded to stay home. He was reading books in the living and would joun the others after some time. Blaze who was sitting on his bed was starting to feel like dying. 'I won't be missed right?' 'Im no good in the team'. Blaze looked arround for the pain inside to fanely stop by taking his life to death. Blaze hooked somthing on the roof of his shared room with ice as he then placed rope on it and make a cirkel. 'Is this right?', 'it doesn't feel right' toughs were going insane as he placed his head in the cirkel. Then "i guess this is goodbye" but bifore he could get of the chair his door opend revealing solar. "Blaze, you sure you don-" ge could't continue his sentece when he saw wat was gonne happen. He ran towards blaze removing his head imidiëntly from the rope while tears streamed down. "WAT WERE YOU THINKING?!" Solar screamed out of wurry and anger. Blaze just let out sobs as he was pulled in for a conforting hug. "Don't do it again please" solar eventually saidas he made cirkels on blaze's back. "Don't tell the others please, i dont want them to wurry!" Blaze cried out. "I will keep it a secret for new but when it gets out of hand im telling them" solar said still calming his brother and trying to stay calm himself after the witness a few minutes ago. 'Somthing is bothering him' 'i Don't wanne lose him' solars toughs were all concerned.

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