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Name: Obi-Wan Kenobi

Job/Rank: Master Jedi

Planet: Tatooine

Description: After Obi-Wan defeats his former apprentice on Mustafar, Yoda, Bail Organa and himself come up with a plan

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Description: After Obi-Wan defeats his former apprentice on Mustafar, Yoda, Bail Organa and himself come up with a plan. They would split up the children of Anakin and Padmé, and protect them from the Emperor. Bail would adopt the girl, Leia, and raise her. Obi-Wan would take the boy, Luke, to his family on Tatooine, and he would watch over him...


Name: Padmé Amidala

Job/Rank: Queen of Naboo

Description: Padmé confronted Anakin on Mustafar, repulsed by his acts and his self-professed plans to overthrow the new Emperor, he Force choke her in a fit of rage

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Description: Padmé confronted Anakin on Mustafar, repulsed by his acts and his self-professed plans to overthrow the new Emperor, he Force choke her in a fit of rage. Padmé was knocked unconscious and later taken by Obi-Wan Kenobi to a medical facility, after defeating his former friend in a duel. She was actually dying, having lost the will to live...


Name: Yoda

Job/Rank: Grand Master Jedi

Planet: Dagobah

Planet: Dagobah

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