Chapter 3: Almost there boy

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It's time for Darth Vader's first mission, to take a Jedi's kyber crystal to corrupt it. Palpatine and his apprentice are in the direction of a planet, where a ship was stolen, then with this ship, he can therefore go to another planet to defeat a Jedi. Palpatine brings Vader to the planet, by forbidding him to bring his helmet for this mission and leaves the new Sith alone, and he will be waiting for him on Coruscant when his mission is complete.

Vader advances on a desert planet, with no water on the horizon, which reminds him slightly of his childhood. In the distance, he will see structures that look similar to a base.

"Would you look at that thing!" Says men 1.

What a beauty, we can probably sell it-" Says men 2, receiving a debris in the face, which knocks him out.

That ship is mine." Says Vader throwing more debris at the 3 other people who come to help.

"Kill him!" Shouts one of the men.

He and the other 3 men pull out their blasters and shoot the Sith in front of them. Vader manages to dodge the shots and Force pushes the men, including the three who fall off the cliff, and only one who remains on the ground trying to get up.

"I-I know you. What do you want?" Says the last men remaining.

Vader force choke the man who is very hurt.

"From you?" Says Vader snapping the man's neck.

"Only this..." he adds, dropping the dead body on the ground as he walks towards the ship they wanted to sell.

He enters the ship and then enters the coordinates for Al'doleem. Here stands a Jedi, Master Infil'a, who had precisely one purpose within the order... to fight...

A little space travel passes, and he lands on the planet Al'doleem. Meanwhile, a droid kept him company. He's a droid that is given just for him, a gift from Palpatine.

"Proximity alert, Lord Vader. Objects approaching rapidly from quadrant two." Says Vader's droid.

The ship receives the objects, which damages the ship. They still manage to land on the planet at the bottom of a mountain, and also close to a dam.

"Lord Vader, the ship is damaged, and you've lost your target. Respectfully my lord, you must help me repair the ship and find another target." Says the droid.

"No. The Jedi is waiting for me to come. I can sense him." Says the Sith.

"I will begin repairs immediately then. We should be operational within two standard days, at which point we can engage your enemy directly."

"I said he is waiting for me! He is expectant. Fix the ship so we can simply leave this planet." he said as he exited the ship and walked towards the mountain.

Arriving at the bottom of the mountain, a debris arrives at high speed next to him. Sensing it coming, he wasn't scared and didn't jump, and just turned to where the debris was coming, and saw Master Infil'a on a low part of the mountain.

"You. You stink of darkness. Was it you?" Says Master infil'a.

Vader reaches out his hand towards him to strangle him with the force. Infil'a tries to fight back and pushed Vader with the force to free himself.

"You will not defeat me that way, young men. Your use of the dark side confirms my suspicions- but let me ask again. Not long ago, through the force, I felt the death of almost every Jedi. That darkness resonates within you... Did you do it? Did you kill them all?"


"Are you here to kill me as well?" Asks the Jedi slowly walking around.

"Your sense of observation amazes me." Responds the Sith.

"Good. As I hoped." Says the Jedi smiling.

"My sisters and brothers are dead, and their murderer stand before me. I know my path, killer, and its end is also yours. This mountain is called Passvaal. It is a sacred place, designed to test all Jedi who come here. The higher you go, the more demanding the challenges become. I will await you at the summit, boy. On the highest ground. Come seek me out."

He turns around to talk to his droid with whom he spends his days training.

"Arex, make creatures attack this man." Asks Infil'a

"Right away, Master Infil'a." pronounces the droid.

Vader begins to climb the mountain through a bridge, and is attacked by some kind of big eagles. Because of this surprise attack from the five eagles, the mechanical limbs of the Sith are badly damaged.

"He will reach the spikewind next. I will activate it at the appropriate moment."

"No. No more traps. No more obstacles. Turn them off, all of them." Orders the Jedi Master

"But... in that case, he will be here in no time at all!" Realized the droid.


Vader keeps moving forward, limping, as his left knee is damaged from the attacks. And the Jedi Master is at the top of the stairs in front of him.

"Almost there boy."

Vader throws rocks at the Jedi using the Force. The Jedi protects himself with his green lightsaber, but it takes a large stone in the face, which propels him backwards, and falls on the ground. Vader arrives at the top of the stairs and sees the Jedi on the ground.

"Do not fear, Master Infil'a! I will destroy him." he says activating an electric saber which is made to be used against lightsabers.

Vader simply lifts the droid in the air with the force and pulls him closer.

"I have served the Jedi in this place for generations, And I will tell you this. The dark side will never-"

Vader rips off the arm of the droid he's holding the electric saber in, then throws Arex far behind him, down the mountain. He grabs the electric saber, dropping the droid's arm and turns to face the Jedi.

But now, Master Infil'a sees clearly how the men in front of him looks like...

"I know you... You- you are the young Skywalker." Says Infil'a.

"That name no longer exists, and it's going to be you're turn, Master Infil'a. You know why I am here."

"I know why you're here. You came here to get something. Not just to kill me. You want my lightsaber."

Infil'a jumps on Vader and a fight begins. The fight is very close, but Vader's damage does not help his fight against a Jedi who has only one goal, to fight.

"How did you end the Jedi? It seems impossible. You are weak."

Vader tries to defend himself by backing up, but he gets close to the edge of the mountain.

"There must be someone else who helped you. A Master." He continues.

Although he didn't take any hits from the Jedi, Vader's left knee breaks, and the Sith falls to his knees in front of the Jedi. Darth Vader is out of breath and in some pain from his previous injuries.

"Once you are dead, I will seek out your Master and destroy him as well. And then, I will restore the light of the Jedi to the galaxy. And you... will think on that, all the way down." he says using a force push on Darth Vader, who falls from the top of the mountain.

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