Chapter 4: I would love too

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Darth Vader takes a long fall from a hundred meters and uses the force to break his fall, but still falls hard on his back.

"You are defeated." said the defeated droid next to him.

Vader turns his head seeing the droid almost destroyed on the ground near him. He raises his hand slightly and levitates the droid in the air, and begins to disassemble it.

"The dark side cannot stand against the light-"

Vader completely disassembles the droid so that it stops talking.

"Why do they always talk all the time?" he managed to say.

He uses the force to remove the broken pieces of his cybernetic limbs, replacing them with those of the droid. With the strength he had left, he managed to sit up, and brought the droid's left leg closer. He then uses his skills as a mechanic when he was a slave on Tatooine to repair himself with the rest of the droid. After fixing his left leg with the droids, he looks up at the mountain, calls out his electric saber, then stands up as he walks up the mountain.

Getting high enough on the mountain, he goes to the top of the dam, because he senses the presence of the Jedi nearby, and sees a village that lives in a part of the dam and goes down along it.

During this time, Master Infil'a helps a family to repair a ship. Every day, he helps this village which really needs it. He never wanted to leave this planet, precisely because he is very attached to it. While repairing a ship, he senses a dark presence outside.

"No. It's not possible." Says the Jedi shaking his head.

He walks out of the balcony and sees Darth Vader on top of the dam.

"You... Come." Says Vader.

"Who is that?" Says a mother.

"Is that the Sith?" Says the daughter.

"All of you, get back inside, I will come back." Says Infil'a.

"What are you going to do?" she asks worriedly.

The Master Jedi grabs his lightsaber and ignites it.

"I'm going to end this." Responds the Jedi.

After these words, he jumps from roof to roof and arrives at the top of the dam by attacking the Sith directly. During the fight, three guards come to the barrage because they are dangerous and fire some blaster shots at them, and they turn toward the guards.

"Those were warning shots. Both of you, cease immediately." Says guard 1.

Vader frowns at them.

"This is critical city infrastructure! If you do not comply, we will be forced to-"

The three guards are quickly strangled by Vader and are lifted above the void to use them as hostages.

"No! Don't!" Shouts the Jedi.

Vader drops the guards from the top of the dam and the Jedi Master catches them with the force.

"Do not fear, friend. I have you." he said gently pulling them up.

"You are a monster." he said angrily to the Sith.

"Yes... I am." He says having a little smile.

The Sith clenches his fist, breaking the bottom of the dam, where all the houses are. And the Jedi notices it.

Infil'a: What... what are you doing?!

The Sith breaks the bottom of the dam causing water to fall all over the village. The Jedi retracts his lightsaber and puts it on his belt, and uses the force to block the water, still lifting the guards. But it isn't easy.

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