Chapter 5: Deal with them

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Lord Vader is in his room on Coruscant. He is lying on a medical capsule to have his limbs repaired. Darth Sidious enters the room to say a few words.

"You have ruined yourself, Lord Vader. Your missions were successful. That is all that matters. You now possess the weapon of a Sith." Says the Emperor as he calls his apprentice's lightsaber to his hand, igniting it.

"Don't worry, my friend. The droids will have your limbs repaired in no time at all. When you are ready, come to me. There is work to be done..." he adds as he left the room, putting the saber on the table where he picked it up.

After being healed, the Sith apprentice leaves the room with his lightsaber on his belt to join his Master who is a few rooms away.

"Lord Vader. There is an intruder in the Jedi Temple. Deal with them..."

"I will, my Master." Says Vader as he leaves putting on his helmet, and heading toward the Jedi Temple.

At the Jedi Temple.

A hooded man is in the Temple library to learn more about the Jedi order.

"The archives. At last. No one will deny me now." Says the intruder, walking towards a wall full of archives. Like a library.

"No one is left..."

"Wrong." Says the Sith behind him, igniting his lightsaber.

"Perhaps I am wrong indeed. After all... Here you are." Says the hooded men, pulling out a double-bladed lightsaber while turning around to face him.

"But not for long." he adds igniting one blade of his lightsaber, a similar red blade.

The intruder jumps on the Sith to attack him and the duel begins.

"You have no concept of the power I wield!" he says before landing on the ground.

After some exchange of blows, Vader forces push the intruder, which passes through a wall filled with archives.

The man gets up and takes off his robe.

"You will die!" Shouts the men.

He calls out the lightsaber he lost during the attack and jumps on the Sith again to continue the fight.

The man takes advantage of the Sith, but in reality, Vader doesn't really force himself. He's just evaluating his opponent in addition to trying out his new limbs.

"The knowledge in these archives... You want it for yourself. No, absolutely not." he says, stepping away from the masked man in front of him.

"This..." he begins, placing his lightsaber in front of him horizontally.

"... was promised..." He continued igniting his second red blade, then a hoop guard formed around the hilt.

"... to me." He says as his lightsaber emitters spin around the circle at high speed.

Vader simply stays silent, even if he is annoyed to hear him always talk.

While remaining perfectly opposed, the blade emitters are circulating on the circular guard at a surprisingly fast speed. The weapon became a sort of laser disc as difficult to counter as it was destabilizing. The handling was probably much more complex and dangerous than a classic lightsaber, but that did not prevent this opponent from brilliantly using the many features of this weapon that could pose problems for the Sith.

The man then gives a violent blow to his opponent who begins to concentrate a little more to counter the heavy attacks of this fast opponent.

"You're losing. I am too powerful for you. And now, you fool, I have you." Says the intruder.

"You have nothing. I was simply testing you, and my new limbs."

After these words, he manages to put his blade between the guard and the handle of his opponent's saber and then cuts the circular guard, and destroys the lightsaber of the intruder.

Which produces an explosion because of the destruction of one of the two crystals that his opponent had.

The man falls to the ground defenseless.

"W-what? Who are you?" he says scared.

Darth Vader doesn't respond, he then walks up to him and goes to deliver the final blow.

"Lord Vader. Stop." Orders the Emperor calmly like nothing is happening.

Vader retracts his lightsaber before hitting the man on the ground.

"I see you have met the Grand Inquisitor."

"Grand?" Questions the Sith looking at the Inquisitor on the ground, having no idea what it is.

"My Emperor... I do not understand. You gave me leave to explore the archives, to study Jedi teachings to see how I might turn them toward the ends of the Inquisitorius. And then... this guy attacked me... but he obeys you. Is he your servant?" Asks the Grand Inquisitor.

"Vader serves the Empire." Responds Palpatine.

"I do not understand... Did you send him?" Asks the Inquisitor again.

"I did. I thought it was good that you two meet." He nods

"But why? He nearly killed me."

"Yes, and with little effort, from what I observed. A valuable lesson for you. You see, my friend... you are first among Inquisitors. But the Inquisitorius belongs to the Sith."

"Inquisitorius?" Asks the apprentice looking at his Master.

"Come with me." Says the Emperor leaving the room.

The three of them get on a ship to the Industrial District of Coruscant. They arrive at the location and leave the ship all three to head inside.

"The Inquisitorius. A project of mine. Long planned. Slaves to the light side, once. Now awake." Says Palpatine.

They enter the room which looks like an arena, but also a place to train. And they see other Inquisitors training with the same lightsabers that Vader destroyed.

"They hunt Jedi, I presume." Guess Vader

Palpatine: Exactly.

The Grand Inquisitor jumps off to join the other Inquisitors.

"Form up. Now. Your Masters are here." Orders the Grand Inquisitor.

"Masters? We have only one Master. The Emperor." Says the Eight Brother.

"Times change, Eighth Brother." Responds the leader.

The Inquisitors from up in front of their Masters.

"Who is the Grand Inquisitor? He had skills and he was trained at some point, he knew what he was doing, more or less." Says Vader to his Master.

"A Jedi, once. Resentful that someone with his skill was not allowed to the higher councils, the great secret of the Order. He is suited to this role. I believe he is... grateful..." Explains Palpatine.

"You sent me to attack him. If he had beaten me, would he now be at your side?" Asks the apprentice.

"Was there any chance the Grand Inquisitor could have defeated you, Lord Vader?"


"Precisely. He has much to learn, as do the others. You will teach them, make them a blade that will cut the Jedi infection from the Galaxy once and for all." Orders the Emperor.

"I will begin immediately, my Master."

"Good. Some few remains from the glorious purge. The luckiest, the deadliest, the strongest, those most duplicitous, willing to tell any lie to save their lives. You and the Inquisitors must find these Jedi, Lord Vader. You must destroy them all. There are no greater threats to our Empire, than the Jedi..."

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