Chapter 14

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Today is the day
My parents are coming to the school and I'm really nervous, I can't think one of reason why
I just know it isn't good

After I do my hair ,makeup and teeth I go to the my closet and decide what I'm going to wear ,I honestly couldn't care what i wear because I'm already stressed about them coming over, I'm not going to worry about my outfit as well
So I just put on a black top ,  flared blue jeans and converse.

I go down to the great hall for breakfast.

" heyyy issy " Andrea says, making everyone else notice me, they all turn to look at me accept Malfoy and Mattheo

" hey guys " I say as I take a seat next to molly

" how are you feeling ?" Molly asks as she takes a bite of her grape

" nervous "

" you'll be fine,I'm sure it's nothing that serious "
I really want to believe you, I really do

" yeh hopefully " I say taking a pice of food and eating it

I love food

" what time do they come over at ? " Blaise asks leaving over the table to talk

" uhmm around 12:30 "

"It's 11:30, we have an hour to kill"

" Blaise you do realise we have school " Ella may says laughing

Blaise looks over at her with a look saying " do I look like I care, let's ditch class and do something fun "

" Blaise  your a genius " Andrea says

" I know "

" what do you wanna do ?" Lorenzo asks from across the table

I sit there in silence but then I remembered something " omg, Snape has alcohol in his drawer in his office let's take some "

They all look at me in shock " Isobel how do you know that ?" Molly asked

" I remember one time we were in the library and Theo said we was going to get some drinks and he said they were in Snape's  office "

" Isobel, If he finds us we will be in so much trouble, also won't your parents realise you've be drinking ? " Lorenzo asked instantly killing the mood

"Then I just won't drink as much "

Lorenzo looks at me and just laughs " Isobel I love you, but you get drunk so quickly"he says laughing

" do I really ? " I ask looking around at everyone else

They all just Look at me and I can already tell the answer is yes.

" okay fine then we won't, get drinks, what else can we do ? "

" how about you just shut up , I honestly cannot be bothered to hear about your parents coming here any longer  " Malfoy says looking up at me and with a cold glare in his eyes.

I hear Mattheo chuckling , but it is very quiet

" really Mattheo ? You found that amusing ? " I say looking at him in disbelief, when I said his name he immediately looked at me.

His eyes looks so different.. they look so empty, like there's no life in him anymore.

" well yeh I mean.. it is true, you go on and on about your parents and to be honest Isobel.. no one cares I remember when you literally talked to me for an hour about how " shitty" your childhood was and I just had to hear you complain and com-"

𝑃𝑜𝑤𝑒𝑟(𝑑𝑟𝑎𝑐𝑜 𝑚𝑎𝑙𝑓𝑜𝑦)Where stories live. Discover now