I promise to try

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It's been a couple days since the party

Malfoy has been fully ignoring me, apparently he told Blaise to tell me that he wants to meet me at the Astronomy tower after our last class, but if he really wanted to, why he couldn't he just ask me himself? Is he that mad at me ?.

I kinda get it but I also don't, I understand his frustration, but he can't just expect me to open up to him, especially since we just became friends.

But I do feel bad, so I'll just explain to him that he has to earn my trust.

Blaise and Ella are adorable, they can't stay away from each other. Molly hasn't talked to Lorenzo, which is a bit strange considering she was so excited to before the party.

Maybe she wasn't as ready she thought she was to date again.

I'm currently sitting in the library, just studying for my Herbology test, I'm actually terrible at it so I need more practice on it.

As I'm studying I hear someone so I look up and I see Neville Longbottom.

" hey Neville " I say smiling up at him, pulling out the chair beside me " sit" I say patting the seat.

" hi Isobel, what are you doing " he says sitting down.

I lift up my book and show him the cover " oh- Herbology, how are you finding it? "

" impossible, I've never been good at it " I say  with a small laugh.

" it's the only thing I'm good at" he says with a small laugh.

" I don't how you find this interesting " i say closing the book.

" I don't really know to be honest.. I just do,though I can never really talk about it with my friends, they usually tell me to just shut up or just say they don't care "

" it's not the most interesting subject, but that doesn't give your friends the right to say that to you "

" yea- yeah I know, but it's fine, I don't mind "

" even though I don't get Herbology, I'd listen to you" I say giving him a smile

" thanks Isobel" he says smiling back

" well, enjoy your studying, I have to go to class"

" thanks Neville, bye " as say as he gets up and walks out of the library.

I feel bad for Neville, he's such a sweet boy but he gets made fun of a lot, but he doesn't deserve it.

I just hope he knows that I'll be there for him if needs anything.

He reminds me of myself before I went th Hogwarts ,that kid that no one ever really liked, the one that always gets judged before even talking to them.

I just know that when I was young, I wanted someone to talk to me and make me feel noticed, because I wasn't, I was just the kid with money and I was automatically a rude person that no one wanted to talk to.

I walk into the Great Hall for lunch and go sit next to  Andrea, on the other side of Andrea is molly and across from me is Blaise,Ella and Lorenzo

Malfoy and Mattheo aren't here.

" has anyone else noticed that Mattheo is never around anymore ? It's like he's just vanished ? "

Blaise looks at me "of course we have, he's our best friend"

He realises how he said that and apologised

" it's fine I say with a slight chuckle " it's just me and him aren't exactly friends at the moment so I haven't been looking for him "

𝑃𝑜𝑤𝑒𝑟(𝑑𝑟𝑎𝑐𝑜 𝑚𝑎𝑙𝑓𝑜𝑦)Where stories live. Discover now