•Online Shopping part II• KR

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I immediately tried to crawl and kick at the same time to make the hands let go, but I failed.

The hand drag my left leg deeper inside the couch and now it's stuck there. I tried to kick as hard as I could.

My whole body is sweating profusely, my heart is beating rapidly and I'm in a deep state of fear.

"HELP! SOMEONE HELP ME!!" I began to scream.

No one came to my rescue.

I eventually gathered all my energy to kick the hands who insisted on dragging my legs and even my whole body deep inside the couch.

The hands eventually let go of me, and as I gasped to catch my breath, I crawled on the floor and made my way to the accent tables to grab my phone.

I dialed emergency number immediately.
What if there's someone inside this fucking couch? Yes, it doesn't make sense but WHAT IF the person is still alive there somehow?

I reported the incident and the operator withheld his laughter, he even thought I was drunk.

But since I insisted, an officer was on it's way to my residence. it's 3.30 AM.

"What seems to be the problem, sir?"

"Could you please check..what's inside this couch? I swear, a pale hands came out and tried to drag me in.." I explained.

The officer looked at me amused but he did as told. He went straight to the couch and tried to check if there's anyone 'infused' inside the couch and somehow still alive.

"Sir, there's nobody there" the officer said to me.

"Are you sure? I swear I saw it"

"Perhaps you're experiencing delusion or a lucid dream" the officer replied as he headed out of my new house.

I locked my front door, and I decided to go to my kitchen to get myself water due to the shock.

I turned on the kitchen light, and it turned dim immediately. then it went on and off, eventually it turned into short circuit.

"HAISH. Fuck" I snapped angrily. After I drank water, I put the glass on top of my kitchen counter, then I made my way back to the living room.

When I unlocked my front door and tried to twist the door knob open, my door automatically locked again and, no matter how hard I tried, it didn't work.

"FUCK!!!" I kicked the couch angrily.this incident must be caused by that fucking couch.

The couch shifted on it's own from it's original position. It sent a chill down my spine.

"FUCK YOU!" I yelled directly at my couch. Then, it shifted itself as if someone had dragged it to the corner of my room.

My heart pounded relentlessly at this point. That couch is so heavy, even the courier needed my help to push it into my living room.

There's no logical explanation for that. I ran to my room, and I was startled to learn a stranger was using my laptop.

"Who the hell are you!" I yelled in fear. She is not human. There's no one breaking in and no way out except through the front door.

She then stood up and turned around...

She then stood up and turned around

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I passed out immediately.

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