The gig part 2..

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It was around 1am and the band had finished their slot, you felt physically drained after all of the head banging and moshing but mentally very very energised. Ron, a friend you had made at a previous gig approached you with his girlfriend Ellen and embraced you. He revealed that he was holding an after party at his place which the band would be coming to shortly, you couldn't refuse especially considering that you had no way to get home tonight. You hop into the left side passenger seat of Ron's car and roll down the window, you attempt to light a cigarette but it's running low on fuel. You hear the door slam shut to your right as someone gets in, it's dark and you cannot make out their face but their presence feels familiar once again. A deep voice murmurs.. "I'll light that for you". As the light of the flame flickers on you see that this person is Eddie. "Y/N.. is that you?" Eddie says.

(From this point story will be in first person).
"Oh god it's you again Munson.. why do I keep bumping into you tonight?" I blurt out, the alcohol giving me the confidence to be so bold. " Hey it's not my fault that you've been stalking me Y/N" Eddie laughs. I roll my eyes and turn my head towards the window as I continue to smoke my cigarette...

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