Ron's car

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The tires of the car screech to a halt, a tall guy with long black hair approaches the vehicle. It turns out to be the guitarist from earlier. Ron rolls down his window and begins to talk to the guitarist. At this point I had lit another cigarette with the window on my side down so the guy noticed me. "I remember you from the gig, you're fucking hot.. what's your name?", says the guy as he leans down to the window. I ignore him and instead blow smoke directly into his face. "Well hop in then Tommy we've not got all night for gods sake" says Ron. Tommy coming into the car from my side had forced me to move into the middle seat. Here I was stuck between Eddie and Tommy , I couldn't complain though.. they were both equally attractive and exactly my type. I went to take out yet another cigarette once the car had began to move again and simultaneously both Eddie and Tommy whipped out their lighters. Ellen turned around and burst out laughing calling them both pathetic. I opted for her lighter instead because i intended to tease both of the boys as much as i could.

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