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"Fuck, we're assholes," Stiles said.

"Yeah," The others said, all nodding in agreement.

"We need to apologize. Should we call them, tell them to come back?" Stiles asked.

"No" Scott answered, "Let's not bother them right now, they're both upset, and rightfully so. We can see if they want to talk tomorrow. Let's... let's all just go home, okay?"

They all nodded and dispersed, going back to their homes and sleeping, or more attempting to sleep. None of them could stop thinking about it all. How awful they felt for what they said. Stiles went back and mentally punched himself for every snide comment he'd never made.

Safe to say Liam did not want to talk the next day. They tried texting and calling both of them. Liam never replied, and Theo just told them to' fuck off'.

The next day, however, Theo told them they could come over, but if they upset Liam even a little bit, they were out.

The room was tense and awkward. For everyone except Theo, it seemed, who decided to glare daggers at them instead.

"I'm sorry," Stiles said, "I was being a fucking prick, I'm really sorry Li."

Liam just nodded a little. He was sitting so close to Theo that he was basically on top of him. Theo squeezed his shoulder.

"None of us should have said that shit," Brett said.

Once the ball was rolling they all apologized to Liam over and over again, none of them ever quite feeling like it was enough.

"Are you all done?" Liam said when the apologies had come to a lull.

They all nodded.

"Okay. Can you leave then?" Liam asked.

They were all a little surprised, more that he didn't have anything else to say, not that he didn't seem to forgive them. He didn't yell or get mad or cry, or anything, he just asked him to leave.

'Li-" Scott tried.

"Nope," Liam said, 'You said what you wanted to say now, please leave."

"Liam we should talk about this-" Stiles tried.

"Talk about what," Liam's voice was calm but they could see the hurt in his eyes, "How you made fun of me for having an IED after my father abused me for three years?" Theo stilled, "That conversation? Go ahead, let's do it!"

His voice grew angrier as his words went on, but by the end, there were tears in his eyes. Theo tried to wipe them away, but Liam pulled back.

"Li," Scott said quietly, "We didn't know I'm so-"

"Of course, you didn't know! 'Cause, all you needed was the name and suddenly you knew exactly what was going on. Didn't even bother googling it to see what the most common causes are, or what it even is! Stiles just because I have an IED doesn't mean I'm going to go around murdering people! And I'm not any more dangerous than you are!" He yelled looking at Scott and Derek.

Scott thought back to his conversation with Derek in the locker room, and he suddenly felt stick to his stomach.


"Please just leave. I thought this would be a good idea but please just leave."

And so they did, they filled out of the house and stayed away.

For three weeks, Liam didn't speak to any of them.

By the end of the second week, the others were getting worried that they might never speak to Liam again. And by the third, they were even more terrified.

They agreed that they needed to try again, but that Liam needed to be comfortable. Liam wouldn't talk to them. Their next option was either Theo, Mason, or Corey. None of which had spoken to them either.

Theo might try to kill them. Mason would ignore them. Which left Corey.


"Please just get him to meet with us please!" Stiles begged.

"How exactly do you think I can do that? You made him feel like shit!" Corey walked away quickly.

"So if we can't talk to him face to face what do we do?" Brett said.

"We don't talk to him face to face." Stiles spun his bag around and started digging through it.

"What?" Brett asked, confused.

"Here, we all know Liam has done a lot of shit for us. If he won't listen to us in person, this is the next best thing. Write it down."

They all understood fairly quickly and started writing down notes on pieces of paper. When they were done they slipped the notes into Liam's locker and waited.

Liam was still upset, but he knew they were all sorry. He knew they didn't really mean to upset him, and they had been apologizing for weeks.

When he opened his locked slips of paper fell out. When he opened them he felt his heart squeeze. Even Derek's was heartfelt and apologetic.

Theo came up behind him and wrapped his hands around his waist.

"What's that?" He said, gesturing to his head to one of the notes.

Liam smiled slightly, "Oh, nothing, they just tried to take another approach."

"And?" Theo asked.

"And maybe we can sit at the usual lunch table again today,"

Theo smiled, "of course" Liam spun in his arms and he kissed his forehead.

During lunch, Liam, Theo, Mason, and Corey, sat at the table with the others. They didn't say much, but they didn't need to. Things weren't perfect or back to normal immediately, but it was a start.

After another few weeks, things fell back into their usual rhythm. The others all had a newfound respect for Theo. There was no more questioning which side he was on, even a little bit. It was so obvious to them all now, how much he cared about Liam, and they were fully in support of their relationship. No doubt about it.

At least until Stiles walked in on the two of them, both shirtless, Liam straddling Theo's waist.

Liam scrambled to put his shirt back on while Theo smirked. Stiles cover his eyes while simultaneously yelling in the general direction of Theo for defiling his child.

They were gonna be okay.

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