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Hey, Critter here! I just wanted to say a few things before you start reading this book.

First off, please note that this book is a constant work in progress for me, and it will never be 'completed', because I am going to continuously update it, and add new chapters. If there are blank sections or sections with one or two names, check back in on it soon for updates! It won't stay empty for too long.

Please also keep in mind that while these names may mean one thing in one language or country, they may mean something completely different somewhere else. I am from America, and many of the names I include with definitions are not of 'American' origins, so if my translation of the name is incorrect feel free to let me know!

Lastly, I hope this book is helpful for naming yourself, your kids or pets, D&D or other game characters, book characters, etc.!

Happy reading!

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