Prologue 7; Warm Hearted Principal

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Ramshackle Dorm


"Hee-haaa.... How 'bout that!" Grim exclaimed, out of breath and visibly tired.
"I can't believe... There is a person who can command monsters. Hmmm... Actually, my teacher-senses were telling me since the uproar during the entrance ceremony that you have talent as an animal or wild beast trainer. But... No matter how... *Mutter, mutter*" Crowley rambled and muttered on and you were just very confused at this point..
'really...? A beast trainer? What does that even mean in his context...?" You deadpanned as he kept on mumbling.

"Could you possibly let Grim stay here with me?" You suddenly asked, taking the headmaster by surprise.
"What now? A monster?"
"You..." Grim was speechless for a second, taking this chance you quickly continued.
"Please!" You pleaded. It will be a pain looking after him but eh.
"...hah.. it can't be helped. Alright." Crowley spoke.
"Hnnn?! Really?!" Grim suddenly perked up, face lighting up.
"However. I can't simply allow someone, let alone a monster, into school who hasn't been selected by the Dark Mirror. Also, I can't let you be a freeloader here until you return to your own world." Crowley explained, suddenly getting slightly serious.
Honestly, you expected him to do this..
"Well... Talk about short-lived joy..." Grim spoke as he pouted.
"Listen until the end." Crowley interrupted. I mean, it's the one thing he is really capable of doing.

"Concerning the fact that your soul was called here the school has to take responsibility as the owners of the Dark Mirror. For the time being you'll be permitted to stay in this dormitory for free." You wanted to say something, yet Crowley being Crowley didn't let you.
"But, other necessities you will have to provide for yourself. Seeing as you have nothing to your name... Fufu, here is my proposition." He spoke rather darkly in your opinion at the end there. You would be lying if you didn't say that you were getting nervous.

"...what exactly are you going to make me do?"

"No need to fret, I'll have you do maintenance and odd jobs around campus." Crowley confirmed. You felt yourself relax slightly at that.
"From what I can see, you're pretty decent at cleaning. Would you 2 like to become the 'handymen' of the school?"
I mean.... Do you even have a choice at this point?
"This way you will receive special permission to remain on school grounds. You'll also be able to research going home or study whatever you desire in the library. For I am gracious." Crowley further explained.

'I swear, if he says that one more time I think I won't be able to stop myself from wringing his neck...' you thought to yourself as you put on a forced calm smile.

"However! Only after your work is done. " Crowley finished, finally.

"Yeah, sure. I mean, what else can I do? I don't really have a choice here..." You replied, not caring about what you do here, unless it won't be too weird to do.
However, Grim seemed less compliant than you were..

"Eeeeeh?! I'm not okay with that! I wanna wear that fancy uniform and be a student!" Now he just sounded like a spoiled baby....
"Grim... You don't have a choice here either. Take it or leave it. It's simple. You would think that everything in this or any other world is fair, but you're very wrong.." you said darkly with a smile that made Grim shiver a bit.

"It's fine if you're unsatisfied. I'll simply toss you out again." Crowley spoke calmly.
"Ffgnaa?! I get it! I just have to do it. Just so it!" Grim grumbled as his ears lowered in disappointment. You sweetly smiled at his response before giving one of your own.
"Wonderful. Then, you 2. Starting tomorrow, endeavor to be the best handyman at Night Raven College!" Crowley exclaimed as he took his leave once again.

Guess we have to do this now... Oh well..

"Make sure to remember us dear, okay? We don't want our Arisu-kun to just forget us as if we never even existed in the beginning now do we?"
A fairly tall and slim woman spoke and giggled, a sickeningly sweet smile on her pale blue lips.
Her plum red and pale blue orbs glowing eerily in the dark of the deepest night, sitting in an empty field surrounded with the rest of the Rosewoods all around.
In her lap, there lay a young pale boy with fair blonde hair with (h/c) strands, sleeping soundly.

Who knows when he would wake from his reality, his deepest slumber, his one and only dream he ever dreamt of before.
"Nee, Arisu-kun? Do you promise? Do you promise to never forget? I know you do...
You always do, and you never break them."

"Pinky, pinky, bow-bell. Whoever tells a lie will sink down a well. Down, down, they will sink, to a bad place and never rise up again."

832 words

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