08 Spaghettigate

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Kayla isn't at her locker when I get there, my interaction with the blonde devil having taken up too much time during passing period. I make my way to English instead, where I'm met by Katy and Dee. We sit near each other during class, but there isn't much time to talk. The teacher is already there and waiting, getting right into it as soon as the bell rings.

Dee is caught by Ash and one of her brothers after class is over. I'm unsure of which one he is until he looks over at me and stares, eyes narrowed slightly. Now, I'm not about to let him narrow his eyes at me like that and win this little staring contest, so I stare right back. My eyebrows raise, and I can see Katy looking back and forth between us out of the corner of my eye.

He looks back to the conversation that Dee and Ash are having without another glance my way, and as they walk away, Dee invites Katy and I to sit with her at lunch. Katy turns to me, eyes wide with confusion.

"What was that about?"

"What do you mean?" My eyes follow Andrew down the hall, and Katy follows my gaze.

"That. That whole eye thing you guys just did with each other. If I didn't know any better, I'd say you guys were eye fu-"

"Ah!" I turn back to her and cut her off before she can finish that sentence. "Absolutely not. I just had a run in with him during class earlier, and then he stopped me in the hallway after. That's all."

"And are you guys friends or something?" Katy and I start walking in the direction of our next classes.

"Ha, not even close. We've never even talked until today." I don't know if that's necessarily true, but I doubt we've ever said anything substantial if we actually have talked before.

"Well, it sure looked like you guys were doing a lot of talking just now." Katy waggles her eyebrows. "With your eyes," she adds.

I wrinkle my nose in disgust. "Trust me, dude is gorgeous, but what he has in the looks department he ruins with a horrible attitude. Learned that this morning."

Katy smiles wickedly, gray eyes sparkling. "I know all about guys like that. That doesn't mean you can't be interested even a little bit, though." She nudges me before walking away into her next class.

I'm sure she understands with Daemon, but as far as I could tell in the books, Andrew is actually an asshole. Daemon puts up a front for humans like Katy who want to befriend his sister, but I know he has a good side somewhere underneath the layers of sarcasm and disdain for others. Andrew, on the other hand, just seems like a jerk through and through. 

The only time I can remember Andrew doing anything good is when he helped with the distraction in Vegas. That was right before he...

I walk the rest of the way down the hall and into my last class before lunch. Obviously, I want to prevent everyone's deaths if at all possible. There are so many people who don't deserve to die, and there are two in particular that caused me to bawl my eyes out. I had to hold the books away from my face each time to make sure they weren't doused in tears.

These events won't happen for a while, though, so I take a seat and ignore the nagging thoughts to the best of my ability while I wait for lunch. Before I know it, the bell has rang and I'm on my way out the door. The lunch line is long, but up toward the front of it I spot Kayla and Katy, who are seemingly having a nice conversation.

I hop in line myself, and by the time I've gone through, I see Katy and Kayla standing by the table I usually sit at with Grace, Caleb, and Kayla. As I get closer, Katy looks up and smiles.

"Hey! It looks like I've finally met the other bookworm in this school."

I give a genuine smile of my own, pleased to see that things have gone well between them. "Looks like it, yeah. I'm glad to see you guys have hit it off."

Falling into FictionOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora