17 I'll Cut a Bitch

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Sometimes my favorite part of a chapter is just naming it. Oops ¯\_()_/¯


Any aliens that I actually know to be aliens keep giving me funny looks at school. Mr. Garrison actually almost spit out his coffee when I walked into second period on Monday. That was a rare time that Andrew was actually in class before me, and I wanted to laugh at the bug-eyed look Mr. Garrison gave him.

Andrew only shrugged and class continued on without a hitch.

Now that it's Friday, most of the looks have died down to glances that last just a second too long. No more potential alien teachers are outright gaping at me in the hallways anymore. I've seen Katy get a few looks as well, but I guess my trace is a little worse due to Andrew's baseball pitch in Dee's living room last Saturday.

I wouldn't mind seeing him in baseball pants.

I shut my locker and weave my way through the crowd of students to lunch. We've played two district volleyball games so far and made it all the way to the championship. That happens to be tonight, which means my brain has so far focused on nothing but that fact.

It's exciting to be playing again. We had already finished our season back home, and it was very emotional for me. I hadn't signed on to any college teams at the time, so I wasn't certain if I would be playing again after high school. It's safe to say that I was an emotional mess when we lost our own district championship.

I don't have the same nerves now as I did the day of my actual last game. I've already lived through the end of my high school career, so this is kind of like a neat side quest to the whole thing I've got going on here. And besides, volleyball has to end here one way or another, whether that be because we lose during districts or sectionals or because I end up in the hospital due to some alien related event.

As I hop in line to get some... What does that say? Goulash? Yeah, goulash. Just as I hop in line to get some goulash, someone taps me on the shoulder. I'm met with two electric blue eyes, only they aren't pair that I was expecting to see.

Ash flicks her blonde hair over her shoulder and gives me a once over. "So, you're the one taking up my brother's every waking thought."

My eyebrows raise. This is going to be a lovely interaction. "Um, well I wouldn't say that." I chuckle awkwardly.

"No, you've pretty much distracted him from everyone and everything around him." We move a step closer to the lunch ladies. "I'd say he talks about you nonstop, but after I told him the consequences of being around someone like you," she looks me up and down once more, "he stopped talking about you altogether around me."

I'm a little confused as to what her point is, but okay.

"But," she continues, "I can tell he's still distracted. And, God, all he does is stare at you any time you're nearby."

A small blush creeps onto my cheeks.

Before I can add anything in, she smirks at my reaction and adds, "Thought so. I wasn't so sure if you were as enamored by him as he is you, but I'd say you've got a little crush as well."

We're up to the front of the line now, and I ask for a portion of goulash and grab an apple. I don't say anything to Ash yet until I've paid and left the kitchen.

"Yeah, your brother is quite the charmer." I roll my eyes as I stop at the condiments and grab the parmesan cheese they've set out for the day. A mountain of parmesan couldn't improve the taste of this goulash.

She stops next to me and I hold in my scoff when I only see a small salad on her plate. "Whether you mean that literally or sarcastically, I'm going to need you to end whatever it is you think you have with him in your head."

Falling into FictionOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora