15 The Apology... I Guess?

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I have now come to find out that I am, in fact, an idiot.

Later on yesterday afternoon, Kayla explained to me my "thing" with Simon Cutters. During sophomore year we dated for a short, short time. I was getting better at volleyball, he was getting better at football, it all just seemed like some sort of power move when Kayla was explaining it all.

We dated, and then I found out that he was dick. His personality pretty much sucked because all it was back then, and still is now, was cockiness, football, and sex appeal. That's it. He was nice to me for a while to reel me in, and then he was a jerk.

At least I actually had a reason to get reeled in to Simon. He was nice to me at the time, a lot more than I can say for Andrew. Outside of the studying, he really hasn't been all that warm and cuddly, but that's something to think about later.

Or never again.

Simon and I broke up because of said personality, and that was that. Or at least, that was that until he started telling everyone that he broke up with me and I wanted him back. Kayla says that I most definitely did not want him back, but I let everything he was saying slide because it just wasn't worth the trouble.

Some people were smart enough to realize that the rumors he was spreading definitely weren't true. I'm smart, okay? I wouldn't be begging for Simon to take me back. Others, though? Not so much. A lot of people went on thinking that I was in love and obsessed with him.

I'm confident that Katy wouldn't believe me to be obsessed with Simon, but my stunt yesterday doesn't really help my case. It looks like I want to get with him again, at least from her point of view.

My locker comes into view as I move down the hallway. I got here a little earlier today so I could work on some of the homework I have piling up, so the halls are nearly empty. We had an away game last night, leaving me unable to work on class stuff or apologize to Katy since I got home so late.

I start to pull out my physics book since that's the class I'm struggling in most, but decide against it. I wouldn't want to ruin my morning so early on. When I've pulled out the homework I want to start on, I close my locker and jump at the sight before me. Daemon is leaning against the locker next to mine, just as Simon was yesterday.

Speaking of ruining my morning.

"Daemon, that was terrifying." My heart is racing a little bit, slowly working its way back down to a normal rate as I take in a few deep breaths.

"Sorry. Just thought I could talk to you for a minute." His black hair is falling onto his forehead, green eyes peering at me from underneath. Boy is he sexy as frick. I find the Thompson boys more attractive, but I won't stop myself from acknowledging Daemon's handsome features.

"Yeah, that's fine I guess. I was just about to work on some stuff for class." I pause and look at him curiously, eyes narrowed slightly. "You're not normally here this early, are you?"

Daemon licks his lips quickly, his tongue darting out to wet the already soft skin, and I do my best to keep my features normal as I watch the action. "No, but I saw you leaving early today and thought now would be a good time to catch you alone."

I give him a weird look. I'm not really sure why he'd want to see me alone, but okay, sure. If this is about the whole Katy and Simon thing yesterday, though, I'm not really in the mood for it.

"That's slightly creepy, but sure. What do you need?"

"I saw you talking to Simon in the hall yesterday." He pauses, but I don't say anything, wanting him to continue. "I also heard from Dee what happened with Katy yesterday."

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