25 The Question

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The rest of the week goes by in a blur. Kayla and I have talked like normal, but I've been a little more distant. In fact, I've barely spoken to anyone. On Wednesday, Dee asked if I would want to watch scary movies at her house along with Katy, and I only agreed with her quickly and carried on wherever I was heading.

My head is buried in a book as I walk down the hall toward the school library. Seventh period is next, but I've decided I'd much rather finish this book in a place with peace and quiet than the noisy art room. I feel bad ditching on the sweet little art teacher, but she'll be okay. Besides, this week has been draining, and my Friday afternoon could be spent doing better things.

I'm just about to round a corner when a body barrels into my own. The pages of my book smash against my chest, some of them crinkling in the process, and I almost fall over backward. Two large hands reach out quickly to grab my arms, steadying me, and I look up to see Daemon. There's a glint in his eye that I'm not so sure I like, and when I mutter a quick 'sorry,' a smug grin makes its way onto his face.

I sigh, looking down at my book with disappointment as I try to flatten out the creases. He says nothing, so I give him a little glance only to see that the grin is still there.

I cock my head to the side, momentarily distracted from my book. "Why are you looking at me like that?

The grin only gets wider. "Because I'm twenty dollars richer now, that's why."

I make a confused face. "Okay? And what does that-"

"Daemon!" a deep voice bellows from down the hall behind me.

A look over my shoulder reveals Andrew stomping toward us with a scowl on his face.

"And that," Daemon points to Andrew, "is my twenty dollars on its way."

I have no time to think as Andrew shoves himself in between Daemon and I. 

"How did this happen?" Andrew says to Daemon, annoyance lacing his tone. He turns to me. "Did you say anything to him?"

"I-" I pause and look between Daemon and Andrew. "We ran into each other coming around the corner and I apologized."

Andrew's entire body sags as he groans, and Daemon only says, "Pay up," as he holds a hand out flat.

Andrew pulls out his wallet, grumbling something about Daemon cheating as he hands him a twenty dollar bill. I've decided that I won't be making any more efforts to understand, so I clear my throat.

"Can I go now? I have a class to skip, and I'd kind of like to go to the library as I do it."

Daemon and Andrew step away from each other at the same time, leaving a space in between them for me to walk through. Andrew motions his arms in the direction of the library.

"Lead the way," Andrew says with a grin.

I roll my eyes and throw out a goodbye to Daemon as I pass between them. He tips an imaginary hat my way before heading in the opposite direction.

Falling in step beside me, Andrew says nothing, only watching me. The urge to ask him what he's staring at is strong, but I resist and continue on into the library where I find the corner with the beanbag and plop down. I spare a glance his way to find that he's still watching me, his face unreadable.

With a sigh, I set my book on my lap and fold my hands neatly on top of it. "Yes, Andrew?"

He sits down in one of the wooden chairs with his legs out to the side, one arm resting on the chair back and one on the wooden table beside him.

"You haven't been very social this week."

I let out something between a scoff and a laugh. "Very good observation."

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