Mystery Girl

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After Hellfire 9:43pm


"Be home before one or i'll lock you out, okay?" Eddie warned me as he walked away towards the gym hall. i dont know why he's going there because he hates basketball. "You wanna come over too mine?" Gareth asked me. "Yeah okay. Let's go." I accept and we begin too walk towards his house. "Y/N, do you, i don't know. Do you like anyone?" Gareth asked me randomly as we left the school property and began to walk towards his house which was only actually a 6 minute walk from the school. "Eh yeah. Kinda." I  said unsurely. "Do you?

"Yeah i like this girl in school, she's really cool." He told me about the girl he likes. "Oh. Who is this mystery girl then, Gareth?" I asked him kind of hoping he would say me. "I'll tell you later, yeah?" He said hesitantly. "Alright, trust me i won't forget to ask." I joked. He chuckled a little bit. "My parent's don't really like when i bring girls back to the house this late so you're gonna have to run past them up to my room." Gareth said as i saw the house only metres away. "Gareth don't lie, you get zero bitches." I playfully rolled my eyes at him. " What do you mean, i get tons of chicks." He laughs and pushes my head away. "Okay when i open the door we'll both quietly run up." The curly haired boy goes over the plan yet again as if he didn't go over it like two seconds ago. "Yeah okay, i got it." 

Gareth opened the door and we tiptoed towards the staircase but just my luck, I hear his Mum calling out for him from the kitchen. Fastly Gareth pushes me into the wardrobe beside the stairs. "Hi Sweetie, how was your day?" I could hear her voice coming towards the wardrobe. "It was good Mum, im a little tired though so im going to go to bed. Goodnight." Gareth excused himself to his room  and when his mother went back to the kitchen i opened the door and tip toed up the stairs towards Gareth's room. Once i walked in i saw Gareth sitting on his bed, taking off his shoes. "What took you so long?" He asked me. "I was waiting till your Mum went back into the kitchen, relax it was like ten seconds." I giggled a little at how impatient he was. "What do you wanna do now?" Gareth asked me as he lay down on his bed. "Watch a movie? Prank calls? I dont know." I suggested ideas. "Prank calls then movie?" He proposed his idea. "Yeah sure." "Ok, grab the phone. Its on my desk." Gareth pointed towards it. " Your really lazy, you know that?" I chuckled while going to get his phone off his desk. [AN- I seriously had to look up when wireless phones were made, for this. it was 1973 btw]

After the prank phone calls it was 10:34pm and we decided to pick out a film. "I only have back to the future and my sisters Sixteen Candles. Which one?" Gareth asked as he held up both the options.  "Back to the future, definitely." I told him and pointed towards the tape. 

Once we put on the movie and got into the bed and under the covers, i turned to him. "You never told me who this mystery girl is." I reminded him. Gareth turned to me. "You really aren't gonna let this go. Are you?" He smirked and looked down. "Kelsie Thompson." Gareth looked up at me. "like Tammy Thompsons younger sister, in my math class?" I asked for clarification. He nodded. "Oh cool, she's really pretty." I smiled at him and he smiled back. "Let's watch the movie now Gareth." I laughed and turned to it. Gareth rested his head on my shoulder and continued to watch the movie. To be honest, i thought he was gonna say me. But like i get it Kelsie is super pretty...way more prettier than me. I don't blame him, but it still kind of hurts to know he only likes me as a friend and he probably always will.  

When the movie ended i realized the time 12:46am. I looked down at Gareth and he was already fast asleep, I carefully moved his head off my  shoulder and put on my shoes, grabbed all my stuff and went to go through his bedroom door until i heard the TV still on downstairs. "Oh, fuck it." I whispered to myself and opened his window, climbed out and jumped onto the trampoline near his window. I walked back to the trailer park in the dark. 

1:02am and i arrived home safely but something seemed off. The lights weren't on in the trailer and neither was the tv from what i could see from outside. 'He's probally just asleep' i thought to myself. Cautiously i opened the door and saw what looked like to be Chrissy Cunningham on the floor with her limbs snapped and blood dripping from her eyes but no Eddie in sight. I quickly left the trailer and ran all the way to my best friends house, Gareth. 

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