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ABOUT AN HOUR had passed since the fight in the green area and Minerva would be lying if she said she wasn't still upset. After she'd lost her cool, she'd burst inside to see Five standing there, waiting for her, a smirk on his face. She'd almost punched him.

"How'd that feel?" He had asked, and she realized he wasn't mocking her.

She had sighed, trying to calm down. "Good," she said. "Very good."

Five's smirk widened and he set her umbrella to the side before they'd gone back upstairs. On the way, Minerva had picked up Vanya's book that she'd spotted in the living room/library and began reading it while Five looked through his worn journal, mumbling to himself every now and again. Eventually, he huffed and tossed the journal onto the desk and began looking through the desk drawers.

"What's wrong?" Minerva asked, setting the book on the bed next to her and moved so she was sitting on the edge, right in front of him.

Five slammed a drawer shut and leaned back against the chair, throwing his head back in agitation. "I need coffee," he said and stood, tucking the notebook away.

"Coffee? Wha — woah!" He didn't give her a chance to say much as he grabbed her hand and pulled her up, nearly making her nearly fall at the force that he used to pull her up and begin dragging her through the house with him.

That lead her to now where she sat on the table, swinging her legs back and forth while Five dug through the kitchen looking for his precious coffee.

"Coffee is addictive y'know," she mused, watching her feet almost touch the tile below her.

"Of course I know that, Min," he said, aggravation clear but not directed at her. "Which is why I'm looking for it before I go insane."

Minerva chose not to poke the bear and hummed. She had tried to help in the beginning, but it didn't seem to do much because he would look where she claimed there was none anyways.

"Can you talk to me? Just say something while I look?" Five asked, not pausing his search.

"Sure," she said then began rambling about one of the many books their mother read to her while she was in her coma. She couldn't remember the name of it off the top of her head, but she enjoyed the story and was sad when Grace claimed to not remember it when she'd asked earlier. While she talked, she soothed his irritation just enough to keep it from bubbling over.

This rant eventually led into how she was extremely confused about their family's drama and desperately needed to catch up to which Five filled her in on things like Luther being sent to the moon and Diego's explosive argument with their father that led to him ditching within the hour that he'd read about in Vanya's book.

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