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What if, instead of Boromir, it was Aragorn who died at the falls of Rauros under the attack of the Uruk-hai? And what if, instead of Aragorn kneeling next to his gondorian fellow, it was Legolas deeply sorrowing for him?

Trigger warning: major character death!!

He was running through the forest with Gimli, shooting arrows as he went. Orcs were everywhere, and he almost had no arrows left to shoot. The dawrf was panting next to him as he clove the head of an orcs with his axe.

"Where are the others?", he cried. "Use your elven ears, now's the time!"

But Legolas could hear no other than battle cries from everywhere around them. He assumed, that all their companions were spread out over the area and fighting their own battle against the attackers.

"I cannot hear them!", he cried back. "We need to search for them!"

Suddenly they were interrupted by a loud horn sound, that echoed through the forest.

"That's Boromir's horn!", Legolas shouted. "He's in danger!"

In an instant, both he and Gimli had made their way through the orcs and up a small hillside. The sound had come from behind it. What met their eyes was a whole mess of dead bodies on the ground, some hidden by trees or under bushes. All of them were orcs, but they were so many, Legolas couldn't believe, that one man had slewn them all.

"Where is he? Where is that stupid laddie?", Gimli panted under his breath and looked around. But then he spotted Boromir and called out to Legolas: "Follow me, he's there behind the tree!"

Together they fought through the remaining orcs, that now just were a few, and at their arrival, the rest of them fled. Boromir stood leaning against a tree and catching his breath.

"Not...me", he got out. "Over there...he's..."

Without thinking twice, Legolas turned around and his heart dropped to his knees. Slumped against a treetrunk was Aragorn, his messy hair covering his face, in his hand his sword, and the other hand tried to pull out three big orc arrows that stuck out from his chest. With a cry of horror, Legolas sprinted over to him and fell down on his knees.

"Aragorn, what happened?", he almost yelled. His hand took the one of Aragorn away from the arrows, only to try to pull them out himself. Aragorn flinched with the pain.

"Don't", he whispered. 

"We can heal you! We can, if you just let me", Legolas insisted, but Aragorn grabbed his hand with a final effort.

"Don't", he said again. "There's nothing...you can do for ...me"

He closed his eyes for a second and coughed blood. He took a raspy breath.


The elf had tears running down his cheeks. He couldn't hold them back, it didn't work. With a gentle movement he pushed the hair out of Aragorn's face.

"Legolas, I...", cough, cough, "I love you."

With the last strength he had, the man squeezed Legolas' hand and closing his eyes, breathed his last breath. 

"No, no, Aragorn, don't go!", the elf screamed in panic, his voice sounding shrill in his own ears. But he didn't notice, as his body was in complete panic mood and he couldn't think straight. "No, no, no."

Big tears poured out of his eyes and they fell on Aragorn's partly opened lips, red from blood. Desperately, he wanted the man to wake up again, and in this despair, he placed a soft kiss on Aragorn's lips. Their first kiss, but Aragorn didn't live to experience it. 

Legolas tasted salt and blood. No life, no Aragorn.

"No!!", he screamed one last time, then broke down completely, curling together and crying heavily. It was over. Aragorn was dead.

Aragorn was dead.

It seems like my stories get sadder and sadder right now, I'm really sorry! But the next one will be happier, I promise!

Also sorry for this one being so short

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