The Spiral Stone

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As Aki was walking to school she noticed a poor elderly lady sobbing on her knees, she clearly wasn't from Okura. Aki bent down next to her and asked "Are you okay? Would you mind telling me what's wrong?" The elderly lady didn't answer her question, instead she said "The curse.. I can't take this anymore!" and handed Aki a spiral shaped stone. The elderly lady then walked away carefree, Aki stood there confused with the stone in her hand. "How did she switch moods so fast?" Aki asked herself. Aki just shrugged and continued to walk to school.

When Aki arrived she saw her best friend, Kaito. Kaito was a kind and funny person, that's what she loved about him. She wouldn't dare to tell Kaito about her feelings, she doesn't want to ruin their friendship. If Kaito didn't accept her love, what would happen to them? If Kaito did accept her love but broke up with her, what would happen to them? She loves Kaito with all her heart and would never dream of betraying him or living a life without him. Aki walked up to Kaito and greeted him, she loves seeing the grin on his face when they greet each other.

Aki and Kaito walk into the school and go to their classes, Aki greets her other best friend, Kei. Kei is a carefree girl and is very popular. She's beautiful, she's very kind and respectful too. She gets asked out a lot. Of course Aki isn't jealous, because she has her eyes on Kaito. But she fears Kaito might fall in love with Kei.

Aki greets Kei with a wide grin and sits next to her, she tells Kei about the elderly lady who handed her the stone, Kei responds with "That's weird.. You said she doesn't look like she's from around here right?"
Aki grins awkwardly "I mean she could still live here.." Kei smiles "Yeah, you're right." Aki forgot one important detail, she realized her mistake and decided to add on to her story "After she handed me the stone she stopped sobbing, got up and walked away carefree." Kei laughed "That stone must have brought bad luck to her or something!" Aki sighed "She could've thrown it out.." the door slammed open and Aki's teacher walked in. Kei quickly sat in her seat. Mr. Goshima was Aki's teacher, and her classmates' obviously. Mr.Goshima was kind, but strict.

After class ended she looked at Kei then said "Kei, I couldn't focus at all while Mr.Goshima was teaching.. All I saw were spirals." Kei looked at Aki "Maybe it was the cursed rock that old lady gave you." Aki frowned "Don't joke around like that." Kei smiled "If you can't focus go to the nurse's office, fake being sick or something." Aki smiled awkwardly and said "Alright.."

As Aki was walking down the hall the nurse's office was in she looked at someone who walked past her "A spiral?" Aki said to herself. The woman had a spiral on her cheek, she didn't look like a student or a teacher. Aki just stopped thinking about it and continued to walk to the nurse's office. Aki walked into the nurse's office and told her she had a headache, somehow she got permission to go home.

When she arrived home someone was on the couch. She froze but went to go look at who it was, it was the woman with a spiral on her cheek. The woman looked at her and Aki and smiled. "Hello, my name is Cho." Aki stood there in shock then said "H-hello, my name is-" "Aki" the woman stated. Aki stood there, shocked. Then the woman chuckled and disappeared. Aki was shaking out of fear, sure the woman was beautiful, probably the most beautiful woman she has ever seen. But she wasn't human.

Aki walked into her parents room to inform them about her coming home early, what she saw made her scream. Her parents room was covered in spirals, she wasn't hallucinating. Her parents spotted her and walked up to her "Aki! What are you doing home so early?" Her mother asked, before Aki could respond her father said "Do you like our room? Spirals are absolutely beautiful! So we decided to cover our room in spirals." Aki stood there, she grabbed the stone from out of her pocket and gasped. The stone didn't look any different from the walls, it was that exact spiral. Aki smiled awkwardly and said "Yes.. Spirals are.. Beautiful." and walked off awkwardly.

Aki walked into her room and started freaking out "What the hell is this stupid stone!? Did this stone haunt that old lady!?" Aki was scared, but she had to figure out why the old woman had given her the stone.

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