New friends?

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Aki hated Kaito and Kei, she wanted to beat the shit out of them. Maybe she could make new friends, there's 4 new students entering the school. They shared home room with her, they were introduced to the class and one of them sat next to Aki.

Aki thought the new girl next to her was beautiful, what was her name? Rin? Yeah.. Rin. After class ended Aki looked at Rin and asked if she wanted to be friends, Rin accepted happily. Aki was on cloud nine!

Aki and Rin became best friends quickly, the other new kids became friends with Aki too, their names were Akane, Hanako, and Hiroto.

They enjoyed being around each other. Aki forgot about Kei and Kaito, Kei and Kaito have been glaring at her all day though. Aki had a new crush and didn't want to let them go.

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