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Aki noticed Kei has been glaring at her and Kaito lately. Aki doesn't know why, but it's getting annoying. Kaito is the only boy in the school who hasn't asked her out, maybe that's why.

Aki was tired of being glared at and decided she would confront her. When school started Aki walked over to Kei. Kei frowned a bit and said "Stay away from Kaito." Aki was shocked, is she really letting a boy get in between their friendship? Kei looked away and Aki sat in her seat.

Aki couldn't concentrate, she was extremely disappointed. After class ended Aki stood up and grabbed her things. Kei stood up as well and shoved Aki out of the way then walked out of the classroom. Aki sighed then stepped out of the classroom and saw Kei and Kaito KISSING!?

Kei knew Aki liked Kaito, Aki was filled with so much raged and stomped over to the both of them "WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH YOU!? DO YOU REALLY HAVE TO SLEEP WITH EVERY GUY?" Aki exclaimed. Aki covered her mouth, she was known as a sweet girl. Aki never yelled at anyone, Kei's face was filled with anger "At least I can pull a man, unlike you." Kei says angrily. Aki looked up at Kaito and saw hatred in his eyes. Aki ran away, crying. She didn't know why this was happening.

Everyone was on Aki's side, except Kei and Kaito.
Kei and Kaito were glared at after Aki ran away. It's sad though, Kaito was only using her for Kei.

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