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Melinda was sat in Steve's passenger seat as they pulled up to the Wheelers house "You'll be fine she loves you" "But-" Melinda quickly cut him off "Your king Steve go and get her." She watched him walk towards the house with roses for Nancy in his hand when her brother approached him. Dustin grabbed the roses from Steve and walked towards the car. He opened the back door "You still got that bat?" he asked Steve "Bat, what bat?" "The one with the nails" Dustin clarified "Why?" Steve questioned. "Ill explain it on the way" Dustin replied getting in the back seat "Dusty what's going on?" she turned to her brother.

It was now night and the 3 were sitting in the car not talking to each other. "Wait how big" Melinda asked Dustin "First he was this big" he showed the sizing with his hands "Now he is this big" Melinda hit her palm on her face "I swear to god man its just a lizard, okay?" Steve said "This thing was not a lizard Steve" Melinda said "Its not a lizard" Dustin stated "How do you know?" Steve asked "Because his face opened up and he ate Mews" Steve looked over to his best friend and she nodded her head confirming what Dustin said was true.

They pulled up in the driveway of the Henderson's house and got out of the car. Dustin and Steve walked around the car to grab the bat out of Steve's trunk while Melinda scanned their surroundings making sure everything was safe. Dustin then lead them to red doors "I don't hear shit" Steve said "Well he is in there" Dustin stated, Steve tapped his bat on the door waiting to hear Dart after no noise he then hit the door... still nothing. Steve turned to Dustin shining the flashlight in his face "All right listen kid if this is some sort of Halloween prank" Steve said "Your dead" he continued "Its not" "Get that out of my face" Dustin said referring the light "You got a key for this thing?"

Steve unlocked the doors and together him and Melinda opened them. Steve took the flashlight back from Dustin shining it down the hole as him and Melinda try and see better. "He must be further down" Melinda stated "Steve you go down ill stay up here with Mel incase he tries to escape." Dustin said earning a glare from the best friends and a shake of the head from Steve.

Steve lead slowly down the stairs with Melinda behind him. Steve reaches the bottom and turns on a bulb hanging from the roof. Melinda stares at the floor as her best friend uses his bat to pick up the goop covered skin. "Steve?" Dustin's calls from the top "Mel?" "Guys what's going on down there?" Both of them shine their flashlights up at Dustin slightly scaring him "Get down here" Melinda told her brother. Dustin comes down the stairs and Steve shows him the goopy skin on the end of his bat "Oh shit" Dustin lets out. Melinda is in the corner checking out the hole in the brick wall. Steve shines the torch turning his attention to what she was looking at "Oh shit!" Dustin says louder. They approach the brunette girl "No way" Dustin mumbles.

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