Billy's mind

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The next day everyone was at El's house, she had decided she was going to track them with her mind. Melinda was sat with El silently wiping her nose whenever there was blood. "I found him" she said taking the blindfold off walking out to the group. El set up out in the living room when Melinda came out "Happy birthday btw" Everyone said to the brunette girl "Thanks guys" she said with a slight smile. Eleven had been doing her stuff when she started gasping "What's he doing now?" Max asked and El got up getting a drink "And that's not normal, right?" Nancy asked "No Billy staying in his room of the 4th of July definitely not normal" Melinda said "Its a trap" Nancy announced. Melinda turned around as El walked back into the room "We can't go to Billy, but I think there's another way. A way for me to see where he's been" she announced "But Mel I need you to come in with me" she told her "Why?" Nancy asked "Because they love each other" Max mumbled "What's that got to do with it?" Nancy questioned further "Shhh" El whisper-yelled getting sick of Nancy questioning her.

Melinda sat down next to El as they put their blindfolds on and held hands. Everything went black Melinda looked around the only things she could see was El next to her holding her hand and Billy sat on his bed infront of them. They walked up to him standing infront of him they used their other hand to grab his forming a kind of circle "Billy" Melinda whispered removing her hand briefly to touch his face, moving his hair out of his face before moving her hand back to hold his. "Can you hear me?" she asked him "I want to see. I want to see what happened" El said. Billy looked up at them staring at into Melinda's eyes and she noticed his thumb start rubbing on her hand before he turned to El and grabbing her arm. Suddenly he let go sending them both falling backwards but when they opened their eyes again they were on a beach. "El what's going on?" Mike said "We're on a beach" El said "Last time I checked there weren't any beach's in Hawkins" Lucas spoke "What else do you see?" Max asked "A women" El began "That's his mother" Melinda stated having seen her in pictures "She's...pretty" El said as Melinda looked around "There's a little boy....its Billy" Melinda said "We're in California" She stated "Its a memory" Max pointed out.

Melinda and El were still stood on the beach but now they were also in a storm, with so many different memory's playing around them. When the memory's stopped Melinda spotted the warehouse "El over her" she said walking towards it "We found it" "Okay come back, get out of there" Mike said.

When El tried pulling them out they were in El's living room but there was nobody there, Melinda got up going to check outside while El was yelling for Mike when she heard something "He can't hear you" that was Billy's voice she quickly went back inside seeing Billy walk out of Hopper's room "You shouldn't have looked for me" he said "Because now I see you. We all see you" the whole time he has been looking at El even though Melinda was standing right next to her it was like he couldn't see her "You...let us in" Billy said walking towards them, "And are going to have to let us stay." "All this time, we've been building it" "We've been building it...for you." he said as El started sobbing "All that work, all that pain...all of it... for you." "And now it's time. Time to end it. And we are going to end you. And when you are gone, we are going to end your friends. And then we are going to end...everyone." he said tormenting El, Melinda noticed the tear running down his face while he was talking causing her heart to break for the man she loved, but this wasn't the man she loved she had to try and separate them, physically and in her mind.

"Get away!" El said using her powers to send Billy flying backwards before they woke up with a startle. "El, you're okay. It's-It's okay." Mike said comforting El as Melinda sat their alone tears streaming down her face "They're coming" she whispered.

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