Dinner with Dusty

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1 month after El closed the gate...

It was late Saturday afternoon and Melinda was sat in her room doing her homework, "Melindaaaa" Dustin whined "Yes?" "I finished" he said handing her his homework "Okay now you can play with your little science toys" she said smiling "They aren't toys" he said going into his room. The brunette girl had turned her attention back to her homework when there was a tapping at her window, looking up to see Billy standing in the rain, she moved over opening it pulling him inside "I'm sorry Mel, I shouldn't have pushed you and I shouldn't have attacked Lucas and I shouldn't have started a fight with Steve" he said, Melinda could tell from the expression on his face he really felt bad "Billy, no you shouldn't have done those things but I understand you and why you did it" she said calmly "And i'm sorry for not telling you that I knew where Max was" she added hugging him.

"Omg what are you doing the rest of the day?" she asked "Um nothing" he said warily "Well now you do" she said grabbing his hand "Baby where are you taking me?" he asked "Your going to meet my brother officially over dinner so we need to make dinner" she said letting go off Billy leaving him to lean on the bench while she checked her fridge "I have stuff to make Dustin's' favorite" she stated grabbing out the ingredients, putting them on the counter opposite to Billy "What are we making?" "Boloney burgers" she stated facing him "We need to make his favorite so he likes you" she added freaking out that her brother wouldn't like him.

Billy noticed the panic on Melinda's face, leaning towards her he put his fingers in her belt loops of her jeans pulling her towards him kissing her, he felt her relax as soon as his lips met hers. Pulling away she smiled at the boy "Thank you" she said "Your welcome. Now lets make boloney burgers" he said rolling his sleeve's up.

Melinda and Billy had finished the burgers and put them onto 3 plates. Looking at her boyfriend she moved over to him fixing his hair and patting down his shirt "Be nice" she said pecking his cheek "Dusty dinner!" she called out picking up 2 plates placing them on the table, Dustin ran into the dinning room but stopping dead in his tracks seeing Billy "Hey kiddo" Billy said awkwardly "Hey...Billy" he said looking at his sister confused "Dustin. Billy and I are...dating" she said sitting "WHAT!" Dustin let out obviously angry storming off to his room "Ill go" Billy said following him "Umm" Melinda let out confused.

Billy entered Dustin's room "What do you want." Dustin said staring at the wall "Dustin" Billy started "Look at me when I talk to you, you little shit" he said as Dustin turned to look at him "I like your sister okay and I don't give a fuck if you like me or not but we are going to get along at least infront of Mel if you hate me that bad" "Fine but I still don't like you. And don't hurt my sister" Dustin replied "Wouldn't think of it" Billy said and Dustin followed Billy back to the dinning room.

"You two okay?" Melinda asked as both boys sat down "Yeap we're all good aren't we" Billy replied sending Dustin a scary look "Yea- Yea we're all good" Dustin said "Okay" Melinda said smiling "Dusty I know you don't like Billy-" she started "You got that right" Dustin mumbled under his breath making Melinda stop talking "Excuse me?" she said "Your 'boyfriend' is an asshole who hurt you , your best friend and my friends. Obviously I don't like him" Dustin said getting up going back to his room.

Melinda got up going after him "Dustin, I like Billy, we have been kind of talking since he moved in, I know him. I know what happened at the Byer's house was bad but he had his reasons" "Are yous seriously trying to justify his actions right now?" "No i'm not what he did was wrong and fucked up I know that and so does he but he is trying to be better" she said looking at her brother as he looked up at her "I get that you don't like him but please at least be nice foe me....please" "Fine but I still hate him" Dustin said walking back out.

The three of them had a nice dinner at first it was kind of awkward but eventually Dustin and Billy started getting along, making Melinda very happy that the 2 most important people to her were getting along.

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