Chapter 47: New Life/Awake

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Irene's alive.

But she's still in a battle between life and death.

Rosé hide her from the eyes of the mafias like what Irene ordered her to do before the war broke out.

Rosé collapses on the ground in relief as she saw Suzy instead of Irene. But she immediately got confused as to where her sister is.

"Rosé." Mina put her hand above Rosé's shoulder. "A second."

The new Queen stood up, the butlers immediately dusting off her clothes before she followed Mina a few steps away from them.

"Sana managed to get Irene before we arrive in here." Mina said directly to the point.

Rosé's eyes widened at that.

"S-She's alive?!"

Mina look around first before nodding her head.

Rosé told Lisa about Irene's laid out plans even before the mess started and Lisa can't help but be amazed at how Irene is always a step ahead. But it's not the time to admire that trait for now because the plans were all bullshit for her.

New life? Lisa can't call it a new life. Although that's what Rosé called it, Lisa can't seem to understand her reason that well.

Lisa reach out for Irene's hand and kiss the back of it. Her eyes furrowing at the multiple tubes and wires connected to the former Queen's body as she remembered her last conversation with her half-sister.

"Irene unnie wants you to leave Seoul and go to Jeju island, she also wants you to take her there. I will cover the expenses for her hospital bills but we won't interfere with your life anymore, Lisa." Rosé said as her eyes showed sadness. "She wants you to get away with her from everything that's related to the underworld and that includes me."

"What? Are you being serious right now?"

"She wants you to start again."

"Are you saying that she planned everything before it even happened? She knows that this is going to happen but she didn't do anything to stop it? And now she even planned about our life once she lose?"

"Yes, Lisa." Rosé answered apologetically. "I don't know her reasons as well so I can't answer any of your questions."

Lisa looks at her in disbelief then to Mina who's behind Rosé.

"You'll send me to Jeju island to start a new life?"

Rosé nods her head. "Once Irene unnie wakes up, we will completely cut our ties with you... And with her. You will be left with nothing but her, Lisa. But... " Rosé trails off.


"You have a choice of not leaving so you could continue studying and working here. But we will take her from you. It's either you'll leave and be with her or stay and live without her. Your choice, Lisa."

The Thai, obviously, chose Irene. Even if she have to start from scratch, she will, as long as she will be with Irene.

She also thought about the still possible threats if she's going to stay in Seoul.

Mafias were still after her for causing a war and also... This might be the opportunity for her to take away Irene from the underworld business. She's not in favor of her lover being in an illegal world in the first place.

And after everything that had happened? There's no way that she will let Irene go back there again.

It's been a week since she arrived in Jeju island with Irene.

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