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The sun just started to set as a vixen set off in search of a safe place to live. Away from all the longlegs and they're dens. Away from everything that would want to hurt a vixen and her pup. She did not want to lose another one of her pups from another wolf starved halfway to death or a eagle searching for prey for its family up on a cliff or in a tree. You could never be to careful, especially in the forest of darkness.

The vixen trotted through the forest keeping a eye out for anything that might be dangerous. She held her grip tightly on her pup as she jumped over fallen trees or walked along a raging river. She kept her ears pricked listening for anything that might be a threat. She shoved her way through thick branches head first, carefully fitting her pup through any large space she could find. She shoved her way through the last of the branches stoping and panting as she looked back at the thick brush.

She sighed as she looked down at her last pup making sure there were no injuries the pup got while going through the brush. When the vixen was sure her pup had gained no injuries she picked up her pup by the scruff of its furry neck feeling the warmth of its fur on her muzzle and trotted onward stepping carefully through creeks making sure her pup was held high enough not to get wet and through more brush. The vixen stoped setting her pup down beneath her as she saw a amber tail flash though the trees. She let out a low growl as she looked for the creature again. She pricked her ears while picking up her pup again listening for anything as simple as a twig snap as she slowly trotted away from where she saw the amber tail.

She snarled as a fox made its way out of the brush in front of her. The fox had a amber pelt and some grey around its muzzle and at the end of its tail along with many scars probably from battle she guessed. She held her ground as the fox spoke still keeping her pup held tightly in her mouth. "Ruby, Where have you been? I've looked everywhere for you." She let out a low growl as the fox approached.

She set her pup down carefully keeping her eyes on the fox. "That is not your concern," She snarled. "You left me a long time ago. I do not wish to see you again." She managed to choke out fighting tears as she picked up her pup and trotted off.

"This will not be the last time you see me Ruby And the next time I see you—" he stoped noticing the vixens pup. "It won't only be you being punished." He growled making his way back into the forest. Ruby waited until the fox was out of sight and continued back into the forest. She stoped when she found a cave, perfect size for a vixen and another fox.

She carefully trotted into the cave and set her pup down at the very back of it laying down next to it and wrapping her tail around its small vulnerable body. Her pup looked up into her mothers emerald green eyes and the vixen sighed. "One day," she said under her breath. "Not Today but soon. Forest, you will change the world one way or another."

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