Chapter 4

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     It was extremely dark outside. Forest could hear wolves howling and much more. There were no other foxes anywhere. Eventually she could hear someone coming. She wanted to call out to whoever was there but her voice was stuck in her throat.

     She knew something was different. Suddenly a large creature came running out of the bushes and froze right in front of her. The creature was walking on two legs and had monkey like paws it had brown fur on the top of its head and it had a strangely flat snout. She yelped and jumped back as the creature came closer and held out its hands. Forest let out a low growl as a warning for the creature.

     Suddenly the creature spoke. "Forest?" It said in a raspy voice. She growled even louder. "Forest." The voice repeated and she tried to speak back but her voice was still caught in her throat.

     "Forest!" The creature said fiercely. She trembled in fear as the creature kept saying her name. "FOREST!" It yelled.

     Forest awoke trembling with fear, her fur standing on edge. "Mother?" Forest whimpered. "Yes?" Ruby said and Forest noticed she was limping badly.

     "Just a question... what should I do if I ever came across a... creature.. with monkey like paws, short hair on top of its head and only there, and walks on two legs?" Forest asked hoping it wasn't to suspicious of a question.

     "That's a LongLeg, if you ever happen to see one run away as fast as possible, they're slow and can't run for very long. Why? Did you see one? Was one close to the den?" Ruby started panicking and Forest started getting nervous to.

     "No I saw one... in a dream..." Forest said a little worried why her mother got so worked up about the question.

     "Oh. Very well." Ruby said calming down a little. "Why not you go outside, it's a very nice day outside today." Ruby said changing the subject.

     Forest headed outside to see dark rain clouds and fog everywhere along with lots of humidity making her fur stick to her in wet clumps. "So much for a very nice day." She muttered under her breath glaring up at the clouds.

     She trotted outside hoping to get at least a decent meal. She wondered why her mother always got worked up about stuff. She barely mentioned the LongLegs to her mother and she got all supper protective.
     Forest continued walking keeping her ears perked for anything the could eat. She ate yesterday but it wasn't enough, during this time of year when the leaves were falling prey began to get scarce. This season was Red Leaf, it's when the leafs start falling and it starts to get colder. The next season will be Ice leaf and forest was not looking forward to that. Ice leaf is when all the leaves are gone from there branches and lots of the prey are either in hibernation or hiding away from the cold.

     Next after Ice Leaf is New Leaf. It's when all the prey start coming out of their dens and burrows to look for food and the weather starts getting warmer which makes leaves start to grow on trees again. After New leaf was forest's least favorite season due to her mothers stories about it. After New Leaf came Fire Leaf, Ruby told forest that sometimes it gets so hot that forest fires start and animals loose their homes due to them burning or collapsing. Sometimes they even collapse on them.

     Forest trotted along the path carrying a small rabbit when something cold and small slowly fell on her snout. She looked up wondering what it was when all her thoughts came to her at once. Little white flakes were falling down from the sky turning everything they touched white. Ruby had told forest that these were called snowflakes, when they fell from the sky and stuck to the ground a new season begun. Forest knew what this meant.

     Ice Leaf had come.

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