~♡Forest Walks♡~

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You woke up, hearing the sound of birds chirping and cars zooming by.
You stepped off of your bed, going to the bathroom to take a shower and get ready for the day.

Today you didn't have work so you could go out and have some peace and quiet in the forest. You put your shoes on and packed a bag full of your sketch book, pencils, water, and a snack.
You stepped out of your house, locking your door and heading into the forest.

You were walking through the forest when you saw something. A red army symbol spray painted on a tree-

 A red army symbol spray painted on a tree-

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"Oh shit--- this is freshly sprayed.."
You felt a presence behind you, which made you start shaking.

"Why hello there...suuuch an inconvenient time for you to walk through this forest, isn't it?"

You whimpered, and suddenly felt a cold, hard object, hit your head.

HAHAHA HAHAHAHA CLIFF HANGER!!! It's ok I'm bored- I'll update soon!

(169 words!!)

Tord x [FEM!] ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now