♡~Accomponied walks~♡

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Tord greeted you at the exit and walked out to his car with you, you both sat down in his car and got your seat belts on, driving to a mountain area that you soon noticed had a forest wrapping around it.

"Woooaaah" you looked around at all the animals and trees.

You heard Tord chuckled behind you

"This is the closest forest we have to the red army base, there's much nicer ones but I still prefer this one! Sometimes I go hunting down here too" he smiled


You threw your arms around Tord, smiling like a doofus. You saw him chuckled and hide his face for a second- you didn't know why but you just brushed it off.

----------------------------Tords POV----------------------------

'Hell, why is she so----- cute??' I thought as I mentally facepalmed. 'She won't even like me- why am I trying so hard to impress her?!'

I felt the warmth of her hug leave me as she grabbed my hand and dragged me into the forest with her.

"Ohmahgod! Look Tord!!" She pointed to some of the wildlife in the forest

I couldn't help but blush with her holding my hand still.. 'gaaah! What's wrong with mee??! I just met her an hour ago-- still I can't help but feel...weird? Around her....'

(I think that's called a crush Tord)

I now realized she was hugging my arm

"W-wha-- Y-Y/n? --"
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Y/Ns POV!~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

"W-wha-- Y-Y/n? --" Tord said and finally snapped me out of my daze....i was hugging his arm?! I quickly let go and my face turned flushed, my heart skipping a beat

"I am SO SORRY Tord!!"
"I-its ok! I-i didn't... Mind it!"

Both you and Tords faces were at this point a really bright red. You both tried to fix your faces but it ended up not working so you two decided to ignore it.

An hour passed of you two hanging out in the forest an you both....were lost.... Whoops--

"Uh Tord--- do you know where we are??" You asked, nervously chuckling.
"Uh- we should be at the heart of the forest..."

You remembered something from your own forest that you didn't know if it would work here, but you grabbed Tords hand and saw a lake, you decided to follow it the direction you remembered you came from and eventually found the car.

"Oh thank goodness" you sighed in relief
"Y/n that was smart thinking!" Tord said, smiling and getting in the driver seat.
"Thank you!" You got in the passenger seat "I actually sorta remembered that from my own forest that is by my house!" You smiled, proud of yourself.

Tord responded in a chuckle and drove back to the base, you noticed he had a faint blush on his cheeks throughout the drive home.

"Why are you blushing Tord?" You asked

Tord quickly responded

"No reason! - I'm just-- thinking--"

You laughed at how quick his response was and just said "okay" and left it at that.

Still......you couldn't help but wonder.......was he thinking about you??

AHAHAHAHHAAHAHA!! so I couldn't add the reference of Tord blushing so I'll add it as the pic next chapter! But omg I loved making this one even though I just woke up and started writing it!! XD

I hope you enjoyed and I'll see ya next time!!

(568 words!!)

Tord x [FEM!] ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now