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Why does my life hate me so much?

Today is my first day at my dream job of being a forensic expert at the CHB.

Well, actually I wanted to be a doctor, but then I realised that with my father being the one that built the Sunrise Institution for medical students and branches of Sunrise hospital while also doing complicated surgeries. I did not want to be put in pressure to be as brilliant as my father. So this job became more of a welcome idea.

Now if you didn't know, CHB is a unit in FBI for special detectives. And by special, I mean they sort of have some sort of superpower because of which they're just really good at one particular skill that makes them solve a case quicker than normal detectives.

I was born with the powers of a medic, which means I can identify any illness or injury in a person as well as help in speed up the recovering process. My father is the strongest medic there is and he uses his skills in helping people in hospitals. But I can also use my skills in recognising what a dead body would have went through before and after death, which is usually helpful since its faster than an autopsy.

Besides, who hasn't ever dreamt of working in a crime department after watching all those crime shows and listening to all the true crime podcast and novels? We've all had a Sherlock Holmes or Agatha Christie phase, right?

But anyways, on my very first day of work, I bumped into a man. And that man was possibly the most gorgeous man I've ever seen. His long hair was tied in a very hot ponytail, which made his high cheek bones look more angelic. His dark mysterious eyes looked as if they were trying figure him out. He was a little shorter than me, with a leaner but definitely muscled.

And the best part about him? He was wearing a biker jacket. Biker jackets are so hot. Does he have a motorcycle? I hope he does, you can't get more hotter than that.

But then I found out his name is Nico Di Angelo, which coincidentally is also the name of my supervisor. Well shit.

I was expecting some middle aged man to be my supervisor, not someone around my age. This man was like one of those really hot detectives on TV. But I wasn't sure if checking out my supervisor was an appropriate action. Even if he was around my age, and also really hot.

It was lunch and I was on my way to the office cafeteria when a pretty girl stopped me on the way. She had chocolate brown hair that were unevenly cut, but they suited her. Her eyes were beautiful, kind of like a kaleidoscope, because I really couldn't tell what colour they originally must be. They seemed to be changing as we walked. From the way her skin looked, I'll assume that she's of indigenous descent.

"Hey, Will right?" she asked me. "The new forensic expert?"

I nodded politely, "Yeah. That's me."

"I am Piper." She introduced herself. "I am a profiler. I am going to be working on the same case as you."

"Oh, that's cool."

It was cool. Profilers are exactly what you'd imagine them being, but much faster and natural at their skills. Instead of learning the skills at academies like normal, they're just naturally good at picking out details and profiling a situation. Its awesome.

"Yeah, well Nico, the one that's leading this case, unfortunately, asked me to inform you that we are having a meeting after lunch." She told me. Then she frowned, "Wait, were you going for lunch?"

I nodded.

"Well don't go to the office cafeteria. God knows what food they serve there." She told me before shuddering. "Its really horrendous. How about you come with me? There's a café nearly that serves food."

"Oh I wouldn't want to intrude." I told her. I am kind of new here and I don't really know these people. I don't know if I should just go with them, it would kind of make things

"Nah, its fine. Jase and Reyna wouldn't mind it. And Nico just like to act like everything is the end of the world. It will be fun." She replied like she couldn't give a single shit about what our technically bosses would think.

Can't say I relate.

"Now come along, I promise we don't bite." She told me.

I decided that someone that works to catch murders is less likely to try murdering, so I just agreed and followed her into a cosy café where I found a table where my hot supervisor Nico was seated next to a very attractive blonde guy and our boss Reyna. Reyna and the blonde seemed to be in a deep and serious conversation, while handsome dark haired hair detective would give small inputs to their conversation in the middle of the conversation.

"Hey guys, I invited Will to join us over here." Piper told them after we reached them. "The poor guy was going to go the office cafeteria. And I would never want even my worst enemy to eat food from there."

Nico snorted, "You are too dramatic."

"The food there is terrible and you know it." Piper replied. "Why you haven't changed them yet, I will never know Reyna."

"The catering system isn't under my jurisdiction." Replied Reyna with a hint of smile.

"Don't use such difficult words Rey, I am not sure if she'll understand." Nico told our boss, using a nickname.

Huh, they must be close.

Piper gasped dramatically, "I am a very intelligent person, thank you very much. Jay tell him."

The blonde dude smiled at them with a shake of his head as if he was too used to this, "Yes Pipes, you a very intelligent person."

Then "Jay" turned to me with a welcoming smile, "Hey, I am Jason. Deception analyst."

Deception analysts are kind of like living truth detectors. They're able to identify when someone is lying and end up being usually brilliant at deceiving others.

"Will Solace, forensic expert." I shook his hand.

"Almost everyone from our team is here, we might as well call Valdez and just start the meeting here." Nico commented.

"Did someone summon me?" a short guy appeared behind him. He was a Latino from his looks. He was shorter than most of us, barely taller than Piper.

Nico groaned, not even looking behind him. "Why did I had to say that."

"Oh common Neeks, you know you love me." The short guy grinned at the handsome detective who just rolled his eyes.

Yes, I know I don't have to keep calling him that, but no one can read my mind so I think I am safe so far. And Nico is handsome, really.

Although its probably not a good idea to call your supervisor that continuously in my head.

The Latino's eyes travelled from everyone to me, and he grinned at me, "Ooh, who's the new dude."

"This is Will, our new forensic expert." Replied Piper cheerfully. "Will, that's Leo. Our statistian."

"Or a more widely used name would be Bad Boy Supreme, Leo McShizzle." The small boy told enthusiastically. I blinked nervously at his energy and the use of his self-proclaimed title.

Statistians are the smart people of the group that are usually good with numbers and patterns and facts. But this guy was so energetic, the knowledge of his abilities were somewhat surprising.

"No one calls you that." Nico told him with no care for Leo's feeling whatsoever.

Leo pouted at him but Nico didn't even give a damn about his feelings, instead saying something inaudible to Reyna who snorted.

I then realised that I hadn't heard what Nico or Reyna's abilities were. I knew that there was no way they'd be an ordinary one among us considering one of them is head of CHB while the other is the star of the unit.

I wonder why they didn't mention their abilities or what they might be.

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