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Just when I thought this gorgeous man couldn't get any hotter, Nico decided to prove him wrong.

Like its not even fair anymore. It's almost as if his supervisor had made his duty to get me into falling in love with him.

Like common dude, stop being so perfect. It's not fair to us average mortals.

He reads books. He has read the Six of Crows! Like goddamn it, a gorgeous man with a good taste and high level of sarcasm? Yes please.

Also now I couldn't stop imagining him to look like Kaz, with shorter hair and a black suit and the iconic crow cane and black gloves-

I really need to get back to reality, don't I?

In the middle of the flight he had fallen asleep on my shoulder and I had gotten a stiff shoulder because I had stayed so still trying to not wake him up.

When we reached our hotel, it was afternoon in Puerto Rico. Their hotel was better than Will had imagined they'd be provided, but apparently CHB had a better budget than other units. And Piper and Nico were high maintenance people.

Meaning that they were rich spoilt brats as Leo would tell you.

They would have probably beaten him if they had heard him. I decided that I'd like to have him alive since I didn't know him well enough to become the reason for his funeral yet, so I didn't tell them about his comment on them being rich brats.

That and I myself was a rich brat.

They had booked a suite, which was fucking huge and I wasn't sure why an investigation unit would book such an expensive place. Not that I am complaining.

"How did they afford such an expensive place?" I asked to no one in particular.

Piper snorted, "Oh they didn't. Most of it was because Nico and I would never stay in the hotels they'd provide us. We both gave them most of the money for it. Also they would never give their star detective anything but the best."

That made more sense. No matter how high the unit's budget might be, this place would be too expensive for them.

Nico looked at her rolled his eyes, "I am not the star detective, Piper."

She snorted, "Yeah tell that to the rest of the department. Everyone knows that you are best we have and you are definitely Reyna's favourite."

"One would think that you can speak to the dead or something." Leo joked.

Nico just rolled his eyes, "Whatever. We have two hours for rest. We have to meet the investigators from here after that. Do whatever stupid things you have to do. Just don't fuck you two."

He didn't say any names. It could have meant anyone, but we all knew that his words were directed at Jason.

"No need to act jealous, Neeks." Piper told him slyly. "I am sure you can find a boyfriend soon enough to fuck."

"Yeah don't worry man, we both will find someone to fuck someday. We're gorgeous." Leo told him grinning. "You wanna fuck?"

Nico's nose scrunched up in the most adorable way, "You all are idiots. And no Leo, I am never going to be caught dead sleeping with you of all people."

Leo shrugged, "Your loss. I miss the times we had Jacey before that got in our way."

Leo pointed at Piper like she was a nuisance in the way of him and Jason.

"Sorry babe, things just happen you know." Jason told him.

"That's the way world works." Nodded Piper. "Although I don't like you guys acting like I am the homewrecker. I always told you that you can take him, I will happily go to my cute neighbour, she's hot."

I did not like how normally Leo had suggested that idea and somewhere in my mind I was glad Nico had rejected him.

Don't be jealous. I told myself. He's my supervisor on this case, not my boyfriend. We're never going to be together. It would be unprofessional on his side.

Although the way they were acting, I'd have to imagine that flirting with each other was normal everyday thing. Still, I did not like anyone flirting with Nico, even though it was none of business.

Two days since I've known him and I am already acting jealous. Gods I am going to die by the end of this case, aren't I?

"I am the straightest person in this room." Announced Nico, then glanced at me. "Or maybe he is, I don't know. I am going to sleep, if I hear any Spanish song or someone having sex, I am going to commit murder."

With that, he dropped his bags near the couch and left. Which meant that he got to pick the rooms first.


Two hours later we were all seated in a local police station with the chief of the local police station in San Juan.

The chief was a muscular woman with pale brown hair that were short and ragged, like the person who gave her a haircut had either didn't know what they were doing or just hated her. She had small scars on her face. She would he 5'6 feet approximately, which was shorter than Will but she was still a scary looking woman who looked like someone you did not want to mess with.

"Detective Di Angelo I assume." She asked in a strong confident voice.

"Yes, that would be me." Nico replied in much more polite tone. "This is my team, Jason Grace our deception analyst, Piper McLean our profiler, Leo Valdez our statistian and Will Solace our medic/forensic expert."

The way Nico spoke my name sent shivers in my spine. His Italian accent really makes anything sound good. He could say the name of an awfully disgusting disease and make it sound like a nice thing.

"Chief La Rue." She replied. She did not sound much enthusiastic at having us here but she didn't say anything to make it seem like it.

"You can tell me if you need anything. Here's the file on the case so far." She handed him a black coloured file. "The autopsy results have already came in, but if you want you forensic expert to have a look than you can. It won't be available after today since they have to prepare for the funeral."

Nico nodded, "Thank you Chief. Can you arrange for us to speak to the victim's friends and family and any person the victim would have had contact with during that time."

She nodded, "We've already spoken to them, but I suppose that with your profiler and deception analysts you would prefer to do it again. I'll tell Chris to take you to see the body."

Nico shook his hand with the chief before we left outside.

"Jason, Piper, Leo, you three can head back for now. Will and I'll go and check the dead body out." Nico instructed them.

"Woah Nicorino, already dumping me to go on a date with Will?" asked Leo faking a hurt expression.

Thank gods I wasn't eating or drinking something because I knew I would have choked on it otherwise.

Nico however just rolled his eyes, "Yes Valdez, I am dumping you for a date to see an autopsied body. Quite romantic, isn't it?"

"You never took me out to see dead bodies." Sniffed Leo. "This is so unfair."

"Don't worry babe, we can go see dead bodies anytime you want." Jason told him. "Don't mind Nico, he doesn't deserve you."

"Yeah, you are right. I deserve so much better; I am too pretty for this." Leo sniffed.

Nico just rolled his eyes, "Common Will, let's leave the love birds and get some work done. Go you three, have fun drinking smoothies in a graveyard or eating takeout while watching some bloody slasher movies or something."

And with that, we left the three of them flirting with each other.

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