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The autopsy results had been correct so far.

The person was not really murdered in a brutal way.

Well, at least that is what Nico said. I personally considered it to be very gruesome, but he had apparently seen worse. I did not like the idea of something worse happening in our world, but then again, I did join the CHB, so I probably should have been ready.

The victim, Naomi had indeed died from being hit in the head. After that the killer had burned her body. Not entirely like cremating, but more like burnt it to the point no one can recognise the body anymore but still stay in the shape of a human being. The only area that was not burnt was some portion of the left hand, where a sign was marked that resembled the English letter "a" a bit too much.

"Alpha, the Greek symbol for one." Nico told me when he looked at the symbol before taking a picture of it.

I frowned, "Like the one used in maths?"

"Yeah, that's the one." He nodded. "Just like the 06 murders. Except those had been in Roman Numerals."

"They changed from Latin to Greek?" questioned Will confused. "Why would they do that?"

"I don't know," replied Nico. "It is possible that they are doing it to confuse us."

Well, it most certainly was working because I most certainly don't understand anything that's going on. But Nico looked so focused, as if trying to figure something out that I did not even try to say something.

Then his eyes glowed green for a second, starling me. What the fuck?

When they stopped, he reached for the body and grabbed its palm for a minute. His face morphed into a frown, but he shook his head.

"Okay, let's go Will." He told me and left the room, me following him like a child following his parent.

"What was that?" I asked him quietly.

"What was what?" Nico asked back.

"What happened just now." I explained. "Your eyes glowed green."

"Oh that." He nodded. "I was just using my abilities."

"Oh," I nodded because that was obvious. "And what exactly are those abilities."

Nico looked at him for a second, and I wanted to melt in those beautiful chocolate eyes of his. Then he smirked and replied, "What's the fun in just telling you? Try guessing it."

If I were not displeased at his response, I would probably be too caught up at thinking just how hot he looked when he smirked.

It really is a shame that he is, my boss.

I pouted, "I have been trying to ever since I met you. At least give me a hint."

"Well, here's a hint." Replied Nico with a smile. "It's probably not anything you would think of."

And with that he went to sit in the car.

"What?" I asked confused. Then I rushed in the car, "That is not a good hint!"

"No?" asked Nico starting the car with a small smile. "Maybe you will have to think more then."

"I could just ask the rest of the gang." I told him.

He shrugged. "Sure, you can. You probably should when we reach. It is not a good idea to not know your partner's abilities. I am just not telling you because it is annoying telling people about it. But I would like to see you try."

"Are any of them something that someone from the department have?" I asked him.

"No one in the country has the same abilities as me." He replied. "So no, I am afraid not."

"Wait what?" I looked at him with shock. "But aren't most of the abilities usually just repetitive?"

"Yes, they are." Nodded Nico. "But something about me made it different. Dad says I am special. I personally think that it was a birth defect."

"Hey don't say that." I told him. "Your dad is right. There must be a reason that you were one to be born with your abilities. And birth defects are not supposed to be a good thing. I have only known you for a few days but seem like a perfect human."

"I am far from perfect." He argued.

"Yeah probably." I agreed. "That's what makes you a perfect human. Because you are not perfect."

"That makes absolutely no sense." Nico told me.

"Doesn't have to." I replied. "As long as you know that there is nothing wrong with you."

Nico didn't reply to that, but I swear I saw a small smile on his face. So, I knew I hadn't said anything wrong.

"You always this optimistic about people you have just met?" asked Nico after a long silence.

"Everyone deserves to have someone who believes in them." I replied. "I am sure there are people like that in your life. But I would not mind being one of them."

"And are there any of such people in your life, William Solace?" Nico asked me.

"I do." I replied.

I do, I really do. I was not lying there. My raised me and my half siblings after their mother's death. She loves me. And my siblings, I love them too. And then there is my father. He is rarely ever around, but he tries his best. And now that I am grown up, I understand how hard he tries. I respect that about him.

"Good." Replied Nico. "And also we're back at the hotel and you haven't guessed my abilities.

"You didn't give me good enough hints." I argued.

Nico smirked, "That sounds like your problem."

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 20, 2023 ⏰

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