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As a homicidal detective with abilities unlike most, I had seen many things. There were very few things that scared me.

The team up of Jason, Piper and Leo was one of those few things.

Like trust me, there's nothing scarier than those three sitting together away from you talking all seriously like they're scheming something while "sneakily" looking at us from time to time.

Of course, they were complete idiots and there was no way they could be sneaky with me. My job was that of investigating, I wouldn't have become a detective so early on if I was stupid enough to not notice it.

Of course Will didn't notice it. But in his defence, he was too deeply invested in his book. It was "Goodbye Days" by Jeff Zentner, and his eyes were filled with tears.

Why anyone would read a sad book, I never understood. Its not as if life itself isn't full of sadness. If I wanted to feel sad I'd just think about my life.

How do I know that it's a sad book? Well asides from the fact that Will's eyes were red from tears (a sight he really hated), the title had the word Goodbye in it. It didn't take a genius to figure out what the title might mean. Also, I have read the book. (What? It's a good book.)

Perhaps it was just me, but I didn't need a book or a movie to make me feel sad. It didn't mean that I didn't read it, but still. (I know, I am a hypocrite) My reasoning for reading them was just to feel better, that there are people in the words fairing off worse than me and I am not the only one that feels like an emotionally dead person.

Even if those people are fictional sometimes. It's nice to know I am not the only one crying from inside.

Back to the actual topic, I was highly mistrusting those three. Like, Jason and Piper didn't even seemed to be flirting (Jason isn't blushing, so it's kind of obvious) which means that they're having a serious talk. And those three having a serious talk means I am going to die.

I don't know if it's going to be literal or from embarrassment. I hope it's literal. I don't know if I can handle otherwise.

"What would you like sir?" an airhostess asked as she approached our seat. I took off one earbud from my ear and stopped the podcast I was currently listening to and looked at our options.

We both turned our head towards her and gave our orders to her. I got myself a nice bagel and coffee because no amount of coffee is enough while Will had some fruit with cheese and tea.

So he's the healthy type? Got it.

"Liking the book?" I asked him.

He looked at me a little startled that I was talking to him. I get it, it was weird when people started talking to you when you are too invested in a book.

It's weird, like oh. I don't actually live in that world. Too bad, can I go back to Hogwarts or Narnia or Ravka or something please?

"Oh, well its good." He finally replied. "Kind of sad. Like, really sad. And it also makes me want to go hit some adult with a hammer."

"You are an adult, Will." I reminded him, though I couldn't help but feel a smile twitch on my face at that sentence.

I knew what he was talking about, of course. That book is about a teenager who was struggling with the grief of losing his friends and the guilt that it might have been because of him that they died. The adult part is definitely talking about the dude who was blaming Carver for his son's death and suing him for it, which was just bloody ridiculous.

Who sues someone for texting? If a person is using phone while driving, you can't possibly blame the person who texted for it. Teach your kids road safety rather than going around blaming their friends for texting them.

"I know that." He replied sheepishly. "Still, while reading this book I kind of just want to hit some authority figure with a hammer."

"Should I exchange seats then?" I asked jokingly.

His eyes widened, like he had completely forgotten that I was technically the authority figure in here. "Oh gods no, I didn't mean it like that! I just-"

I couldn't help but laugh at his stammering face, "Relax Will, I am kidding. I have read that book; I know what you mean."

He did relax after that.

"You've read it?" he looked slightly surprised at that.

"Yes, I do like to read from time to time." I replied. "Usually any genre is fine as long it's not a classic, for some reason I just can't handle reading classics. But of course I have a strong preference for mysteries. Specially when murder is involved. And psychological thrillers are amazing too."

"Not surprising." Replied Will with a smile. "Have you read the Silent Patient?"

"Of course I have." I replied. "What sort of a person with an obsession on murder mysteries and psychological thriller hadn't read that book?"

"What about The Maidens by the same author?" Will asked me.

I groaned, "No, I haven't. I haven't got the chance to visit Barnes and Noble yet. I have wanted to read it for so long now, but ever since Reyna and I got promoted, I haven't had a chance to do anything but talk to people that might be related to a dead body."

"Well then I suppose I can't give you any spoiler then." Will replied.

"Absolutely not." I agreed. "Or else I'd have to kill you. I don't think Reyna would be happy if the new medic died."

And I myself would be a bit upset if I had to kill someone as handsome as him.

Just a bit.

"Well I'd imagine you have read A Good Girl's Guide to Murder."

And that was how a long conversation between all of our favourite books started in between me and the gorgeous blonde next to me.

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