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Is there anything more annoying than waking up early?

No? Thought so.

It's so sad that I had to wake up early because of some stupid flight. And that too for work. Maybe if it had been to join my family on their trip to Italy, my birthplace, I would have been a little bit more excited. But taking a flight only to go to another place and watch dead bodies isn't nearly as pleasing in comparison.

And what's worse is that my soon to be brother in law, Frank, decided to steal my usual suitcase, leaving me with no option but to take the Hello Kitty suitcase my sister Hazel gifted me on Christmas.

I don't know if it was a serious gift or just a joke, and at this point I am too afraid to ask.

And then things just worse when I met Will at the airport looking all hot in that white shirt and jeans. Urgh, it's too early for this.

No one has right to look that good so fucking early. It should be illegal.

I really needed my coffee because I am pretty sure I was going to kill someone and then lose my job as a detective and instead become someone other detectives were for.

Although I guess because of my work experience I probably wouldn't be a suspect. I know too much about how these things work to actually get caught. I guess I can murder Jason and Leo after all.

Still, I think its better for me to just drink coffee and be more awaken. So I told Will to join me to whatever café they had in the airport since there was no way I was leaving him alone. Last I left someone alone in an airport with my suitcase, when I reached the hotel it was filled with pink glitter that totally ruined my second favourite jacket.

Nope, I am not taking any chances.

Will, for some reason, didn't drink any coffee. I have no idea how he is alive at this hour without any caffeine. Well, I suppose he will just go back to sleep during the flight.

We were soon joined by Leo who looked like he had just sprinted all the way from his home to the airport. And this is why I gave him a false time, or else we would be standing here watching our own airplane fly away without us.

Leo was not happy that I had fooled him into coming earlier than necessary (which is stupid because only then he arrived at time) and started to speak in Spanish and mathematical language. Both of which I understood, at least a bit. Spanish because I am Italian and the two languages are a little similar. Maths because of my specialized ability.

It's a good thing I've bought ropes. I can tie the moron before he decides to burn down everything.

Piper and Jason joined us a little later, both enjoying a nice meal of Starbucks coffee and a slice of lemon cake.

Leo glared at them, "Why couldn't either one of you tell me that Nico gave us an early time? I thought I missed the flight; I don't think I've ever ran that fast. I know Nico can be an asshole sometimes, but you guys too?"

"Because I told them not to, idiota." I replied with an eye roll. "I knew you'd be late if we gave you the correct time. And I was right, wasn't I?"

"Sorry man, he's right." Jason told him, sympathetically (well not really) patting his back.

Leo just pouted at us and announced, "Will is my best friend from now."

"I am?" Will asked, not really expecting the tiny boy to say that.

There used to be a time when we were almost the same height. And that wasn't really that bad for me since I am younger than him. (Even though Leo doesn't really act like it.) I did had a growth spurt at 16, thank gods.

Sure I am not as tall as Jason or Frank, but aslong as I am taller than Leo, I am more than happy. Just as long as I am tallerthan Leo, life is bearable. I can't imagine having to live life as a personshorter than him. It honestly sounds like a tragedy.

Leo and I went to the same school, and the only reason for me to be associated with him at the time was because he was Jason's friend and Jason is my cousin so its hard to get rid of him.

It's kind of normal for most of us to be of the same schools and colleges. When it is determined that a person has a specialized skill, they just straight away get into the Olympus High, which has a bunch of branches in different states of US and is the only school to have teachers that teach us how to use our skills. As for the colleges, most of them had programs for the specialized students.

My skills were a bit difficult to train because it was one of the rarer skills. They had to specifically find teachers who could teach me my abilities because of course I just had to be that one kid who got the special skills no one else had.

I checked the time on my watch and realised that we should probably start boarding on the plane.

"Alright people, lets go get on the plane. Common." I took hold of my unfortunately Hello Kitty suitcase and started leaving with them right behind me.

I saw Leo trip on his own suitcase and snorted with Piper at him while Jason and Will helped him keep his balance.

Leo glared at us, but he didn't really scare me. The only thing that scared me about Leo Valdez was his chaotic behaviour, but as long as nothing is getting burnt, I don't really care about anything at all.

We got on the plane.

"Alright so the seat numbers are B5, B6 and B7; which are together, and C1 and C2 which are together on that side. I think it would fine if Jason and Piper took the C1 and C2 seats?" I asked them.

"Actually, we have to talk to Leo about something. Maybe you and Will should take them." Piper told me.

I gave the trio a suspicious look. My not so dear cousin and the chaotic duo of the CHB together? That doesn't sound good. What are these idiots planning? It can't be anything good, for sure.

Will apparently didn't realise that and just shrugged. Oh that poor handsome guy, these idiots are going to take advantage of all of his obviousness.

And oh poor me, these jerks are going to do something stupid I just know it. And somehow I am going to be the one who's their target.

Oh poor me.

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