Chapter 3 - Circumstances

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(Original artwork by Grassvloock)

The walk back to the house must've been soothing to the little Enderling, considering his tiny soft breaths as he lay across the Piglin's chest, sleeping peacefully.

Techno still wasn't sure how to feel about the little creature he held, he just knew he had to get rid of it as soon as possible without letting it get hurt. How difficult of a task that would be, he had no clue.

Nearing the edge of the forest, he could see his house in the near distance, a light snowfall making itself apparent now he was in an open field. Each flake fell softly, a sort of peacefulness in their way. He made his way across the snow and to the front door, giving his polar bear, Steve, a gentle pet on the nose as he passed them and went up the steps to the front door.

Heading inside, he was hit with a comforting wave of warmth from his home, away from the bitterness that was the freezing air outside. Even without the fire running, he already felt better to be inside since he hadn't been wearing his cape. Instead, the little thing in his arms kept the blanket of warmth as they still slept so very soundly.

It wasn't long after entering that the bundle would start to squirm, however, vibrant eyes showing off their colors once more as the tiny creature had awoken, looking around tiredly from his brief nap.

"Well, hello there," Techno said in a gentle tone, though still seemingly catching them off guard as they jumped a little.

"Sorry, did I spook you?"

Tiny Ranboo nodded shyly.

"My bad," he said half-heartedly as he crouched down with them. "Welp, it's good you're awake anyway, cause I'm gonna have to put you down now."

"N- nu!" he shouted before Techno even had the chance to fully let them touch the ground, his little face asking only to be kept in the safety of the Piglin's hold. "P'ease, my stay-"

"Nah bud, down you go."

His plans to set the Enderling down were interrupted a second time as a whine escaped the creature, a look of betrayal yet also pleading on the little one's face.

"Mph- dont look at me like that-"




"Ngh, fine- whatever-" Techno grunted, standing back up with them still in his arms, defeated by their innocent look. He did however, unravel the little creature from his cape, hanging it back up along with his crown on the wooden hooks near the door.

"So uh," he started, taking a peek over at his brewing stand and the recipe book still left beside it and walking up to it. "We've gotta figure out how to turn you back into your old self, huh. From BabyBoo to not-BabyBoo."

"Why?" The little one asked with a sparkle of curiosity.

"Because I need to fix this before Phil gets home or he's going to slaughter me for pork chops."

It seemed Ranboo found this funny, giggling a little despite probably having no clue what exactly he just said.

"Don't laugh, I'll slaughter you first! I don't think you've got any parents, and that makes you a very slaughter-able orphan, y'know-"

"Wat you name?" Suddenly asked Ranboo, partly interrupting Technod little spiel.


"Wat you name? My is- my is Ra'mboo!" He announced with a smile, his tail flicking happily.

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