Chapter 6 - Unforeseen Occurance

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(Eeeee- working on repaying you guys for all your patients! I left ya hanging so long, so I'm giving you guys more than just the one chapter. I'll see if I can work up another to follow this one, but I still wanna make sure I'm giving you quality work. I hope you guys enjoy <3)


Techno panicked at the sight, finding his little Enderling once again playing up on top of something he shouldn't. However, he was even more fearful now than he was at the sight of the small child on the countertop that morning, because as of this moment, the toddler was playing obliviously up on the roof of his home.


One wrong step could be a quick slip right off the edge, and the kid was up there practically jumping on the shingles like it was a trampoline. He couldn't have cared less where he was, he was having the time of his life.

Techno took a moment to think, trying his best to silence all other thoughts, but his mind was going a mile a minute and the voices were stirring up as they did, whispering in the same panic that Techno had. He needed to figure out a way to get to the kid before he could fall, but he had no clue how to approach it.

He could potentially have climbed right up there and grabbed them, but the time that would take left open too wide of a window for Ranboo to ve able to fall and Tech not be there to catch him. Perhaps a potion could work – slow falling would do the trick – but all his potions were inside and it'd take too long to grab one. There was also the option of intentionally letting him jump and just catching him from below, but if he missed, he'd never forgive himself.

It was at that moment that consequence had struck, Ranboo's foot suddenly stepping right onto some ice and sliding right up from underneath him.

Techno's heart dropped as he watched the scene unravel, bolting for the small thing without a second, his arms out in a desperate hope to catch them, though fearing he may have been too far to reach them in time.

With one final tread, he leaped for the catch.

To his horror, he was indeed too late. Time felt as if it had slowed as he felt them brush right past his fingertips, so close yet so far as his efforts were just barely too short to reach, the little thing just in front of him, but not close enough.

He hit the snow, immediately sitting himself back up in a panic as he gasped for his breath, not even bothering to shake off the snow that had stuck to him. He'd slaughtered orphan after orphan before, but even then, somehow he couldn't bear the thought of seeing Ranboo hurt. A fall like that could have killed the tiny thing, for all he knew.

"RANBOO-" he cried, looking around frantically.

There, Techno saw his own imprint in the snow, but he couldn't find the Enderling's. He should have been just in front of him, yet the toddler was nowhere to be seen. His panic only worsened as he searched, digging through the snow and uplifting a soft white flurry with his movements, his heart racing faster than the voices could cry in their own fear.

Tech was terrified, not even being able to process anymore as his desperate searching seized and he now just stared at the ground in shock, clutching his fists in the freezing powdery snow, heavy breathes, slowly softening.


Techno's ears perked to the familiar tone of voice, though not Ranboo's.


"Ranboo?!" he said in disbelief and seemingly almost in tears, he was so relieved.

As he turned around however, he was more than shocked at the face he'd been met with, someone else holding his Enderling in their arms with a disapproving glare.

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