| The Arrival |

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Narrator's POV:

It's a completely normal afternoon at Norrisville High School. The students were all happy that school had finally ended. All the students rushed out, including Randy and Howard. "Come on and hurry up Cunningham! We've got to get to the Game Hole to play the new arcade game.", shouted Howard.

Randy seemed to look worried. "Hey Cunningham, you okay? You seem pretty worried even though you already defeated Evil Julian?" said Howard.

"It's nothing. I just feel like something is off..." replied Randy.

And so the two friends walked off to the Game Hole....

Y/N's POV:

I grumbled as I woke up. I really disliked laying on hard ground and noticed that I was in a bush. I immediately got up and brushed off the leaves on my body. All of a sudden a little glowing..uhm- I don't even know.. The little tiny glowy thing was a tiny fairy. She had a horn and I don't even know.. Suddenly she turned into a regular human being. She had black hair, light dark skin, blue eyes, and wore blue overalls.

"Hello Y/N. My name is Aditi! I am your personal guide to this world and I want you to know that I'll be helping you settle into this world. Of course, you will be attending this school. I suppose you should know this world since this was apart of your childhood..." said Aditi.

I noticed the familiar setting and started to realize where I was. Immediately I started fan girling inside and out! I was a huge fan and I couldn't believe I would be attending the same school as the Ninja-

Wait..I knew who the Ninja was and I couldn't risk it. I couldn't let Randy mind wipe me as I would forget everything about my home and past so I asked Aditi. "Uhh will this affect the story?"

"No because there is no season 3. I've been dying for one and still hope for one. I don't think it'll happen that's why I've transported you here. So that I could see one of the possible ways of how the show ended.

"Couldn't you just let it resume then?", I asked her.

"No. Besides someone already did that. Let's just say that there's many world weavers like me that do this. Some of them are even fans of the show you love!", Aditi replied. Aditi continued to ramble about world weavers and different worlds while I searched the area.

"Oi! Want me to show you where we'll be living?" Aditi shouted.

"Huh? Oh right.", I replied.

"Alright then, Y/N! Get ready because you might puke after this!" she shouted.

"WHAT DO YOU MEAN BY THA-" I questioned but then I got sucked into a blue hole.

Randy's POV:

After having the BRUCEST time of our life, me and Howard decided to go to my home to play Grave Punchers. While walking back home, we noticed the abandoned house next to my home was sold.

"Whoa Cunningham! Look, that house is finally getting a makeover. I wonder if your neighbor is gonna be nice.", Howard stated.

"Well I hope so, buddy. But we've got to focus on Grave Punchers right now so let's-" I said.

"Not so fast Randy." said a mysterious voice.

Me and Howard looked behind to see my mom at the front. That was pretty rare but then again I think I knew why..

"Sorry Howard. Randy will play his video games with you next time." my mom said.

"Good luck Cunningham!", Howard shouted to me.

"Mom what's up?" I asked.

"I want you to greet our new neighbor. I heard that they had a child your age. It would be nice of you to make new friends besides Howard."

"But mom, he's the brucest friend I've ever had!" I told her.

"Your only friend but I want you to still greet them. Oh and look they're here! Hello new neighbors!"

Y/N's POV:

Ugh.. what was that for... anyways I noticed that Aditi had turned into a 34 year old lady. She had features that were close to mine and I realized something. She was pretending to be my mom! Which is actually smart..

"Oi Y/N! Say hello to your new neighbors.", Aditi said.

I came back from my thoughts and noticed that Randy was in front of me. LITERALLY!!! But instead of saying a normal hello or shaking his hand, I just ran inside the house, that seemed to be where me and Aditi were gonna live.

Randy's POV:

That weird person left so I was about to leave when my mom pinched me!

"Hello! Your child seemed to scared, I'm really sorry if we might've spooked them. This is my son, Randy Cunningham. You can come to our place whenever you'd like to!", my mom spoke to that lady. Actually the lady seemed to look really nice and she smelled like baked cookies.

"Of course! No problem, they're just really not used to new surroundings especially since it's the middle of the year for school. My name is Aditi L/N and that was my child, Y/N L/N.", Ms. L/N replied.

"Well we just wanted to gift you these cookies. We hope you have a great fresh start here! We'll be going now" my mom said to Ms. L/N.

And so me and my mom went home. Mom told me to get ready for dinner soon. So I did and as usual... I ate dinner, did my homework, and played Grave Punchers while talking with Howard on my McFist phone about what happened after he had left.

"That's crazy! But that Y/N and Ms. L/N might be evil people going after the Ninja.. AKA YOU!" shouted Howard.

"No worries, Big H. Besides that Y/N seems to normal, well for now.. I think I'm gonna go to bed now. See you tomorrow buddy."

"See ya too Cunningham!", Howard said then hung up.

I got ready for bed and knew that thing were gonna be different tomorrow.. I turned off the lights and slept...

A/N: The picture at the top of the chapter is a Picrew Creator. This is Aditi, your little guide in her regular human being form!

Link to the Picrew:  https://picrew.me/image_maker/625876


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