| The Tour |

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Aditi's POV:

I'm really excited to finally start this whole friendship and stuff! However I never thought that Randy would be suspicious of us but rather Howard. Well for now, I see Y/N making their way outside so I catch up with them.

"HEY D DOG! How ya doing?", I shouted behind them.


"Ah- I mean Iba why'd you call me that?", they said not knowing it's a way of my HUMOR.

"Wow you just hurt me and my feelings ;(" I said.

"Wait how?-", Y/N asked still confused.

Wow. I think Y/N didn't get the fact, I was just being sarcastic. Man, Y/N must've lived a life with no humor... How do they do that? I wonder. 

"Never mind, never mind. Let's just get to the gates", I replied back to them.

We scurried towards the gate to find Howard and Randy looking a bit... how should I say this... They definitely had an argument but hey Y/N is in charge of how this story unfolds. 

Randy's POV:

I can't believe my best bud had chose to tour them!?!? I mean we swore to not let a girl ever break our friendship, especially Iba. I have feeling that she might be here to well uh... get the ninja and that Y/N is also an evil- 

"HEYYY HOWARD, MY MAN! I also brought Y/N so I hope you don't mind. They need a quick tour as well." shouted an unfamiliar voice.

I turned around to find Iba running with Y/N. I could tell that Y/N was probably the introvert meanwhile Iba was the extrovert. 

"Hey Iba! I see you guys already met Randy. I'm so sorry for what he had been doing to you earlier. And no worries, I'm sure Randy will NEED to spend quality time with you guys especially after that!", replied Howard.

"Oi Cunningham! Say something to them" he said aggressively whispering to me.

"Oh-h hi my name's Randy Cunningham and I don't usually act like that but you must be-"

"Let's start moving!", said Iba, interrupting me! I just let it slide though and we started to tour around the town.

Narrator's POV: 

And so the group of future friends would tour around. They would have fun together and enjoy the sights with their new friends. Over time, Randy had become less and less suspicious of the two new students. 

However, somewhere in the town were shadows scheming a mischievous plot....

Y/N's POV: 

"We're finally at our final stop! The brucest place ever, THE GAME HOLE!!!", shouted Howard. 

"Woah..." I said to myself. 

"Just wait till you see the place inside and its games! It's SO BRUCE, Y/N.", Randy said to me. 

It seems as if Randy had started to trust me. It felt nice to hear him say my name... I mean-n uhhhh... it was nice for him to finally address me as my name instead of 'new kid'. I always hated that term... 

Me and the group decided to go inside and play a few games there. As I walked in, I noticed that the place looked cooler in person than in the show...

"Wow...this place really is cool!", remarked Iba.

"Oi Iba! I wanna show you the game I beat Randy in!", said Howard. 

"That doesn't count!!!", Randy shouted but they had already left to check out the game. 

So now it was just me and Randy...alone..with people of course....but why did I feel such a rush feeling in my chest?

"Sooo Y/N. You came from Canada, right?", Randy said to break the awkwardness. 

"Yeah! Why do you ask? Gonna ask me if I came from another planet?", I jokingly asked. 

"NO-O I didn't mean that question literally..", Randy said flustered. 

He looked cute when he was- 

"AAAHHHHHHHHHHHH THERE'S A MONSTER!!!!", shouted a random person.

All of a sudden, a monster that had seemed to look like... THERESA?!!?!? She had been stanked...Oh geez... They DEFINELTY LOOKED SCARIER IN PERSON THEN IN THE CARTOON. Theresa then looked at me and quickly ran to me when Randy quickly dragged me along. 

"Stay here Y/N!", Randy.

"Wait about-", but before I could finish, he had already left to become the Ninja and save the day... 

Randy's POV:

I couldn't risk Y/N getting hurt. They were one of my new friends and I couldn't let them face this horrible monster. But why did Theresa get stanked here exactly? I had to find out so that we could go back to having a fun time hanging out!

I quickly started to take out my Ninja balls and use them on Theresa to find out how to de-stank here. However, that didn't work and she held me by my belt and punched me to the wall. How embarrassing... That's when I noticed Iba looking angry at the sight of Theresa as a monster?

What the? I had to find a distraction so that I could find out why she wasn't scared about this... but just then...Theresa had de-stanked by a blue aura...? I checked my surroundings and noticed that Iba had a blue orb in her hands. Quickly she hid it after she had done it. It seemed as if she knew an easier way to de-stank them... Is it possible she might be a powerful being like the Sorceress or Sorcerer?!?! 

I'm not sure though... I might as well find out if I stay friends with her. Especially Y/N too just in case they might be like Iba... and I thought that Y/N would one of my best friends... 

I quickly changed back when I noticed a black shadow in the corner. I turned around quickly and checked but nobody was there. That must've been my imagination... Just how wacky is my brain today?!?! 

I thought of it as nothing and when went on to see if they were okay...

I thought of it as nothing and when went on to see if they were okay

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