part 1: ronance headcannons

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☆robin loves pineapple on pizza and nancy HATES pineapple on pizza

☆robin loves to read aloud to nancy when she's stressed

☆nancy tries not to laugh at Robin's jokes but always does

☆robin brags about Nance to Johnathan and Steve

☆robin eats all of nancys snacks

☆nancy pays attention to stuff that's important while robin plays with Nancy's hands

☆nancy has to order for robin because they trip over her words

☆nancy holds out her hand for robin to hold and robin gets excited

☆robin brings nancy breakfast in bed and wants to eat with her and nancy invites her to eat with her

☆nancy once used Robin's toothbrush at a sleepover and robin still used it

☆robin tries to do nancys hair and sucks but nancy lets robin do it anyway

☆robin thinks about arguments that happened a long time ago and nancy totally forgot

☆nancy has to repeat things 2638618377 times to robin and robin still doesn't understand

☆robin asks nancy stupid questions when they are making out

☆nancy falls asleep on Robin's lap and robin has to carry her to bed

☆at sleepovers they have to stay together at night because robin has a bad fear of the dark

☆robin can't do pranks she can only pull jumpscares,so she jumpscares nancy and she jumps every time

☆robin is a very aggressive kisser and nancy has to tell her to slow down

☆nancy has vans and robin has converses

☆robin made nancy a playlist of all nancys favorite songs

☆nancy bought matching necklaces for her and robin and they don't take it off.ever

☆robin gets stressed when around nancys parents,so nancy has to calm her down which offen ends in nancy and robin leaving

☆robin wants to be a librarian and nancy wants to be a writer so they are a match made in heaven

☆robin plays cute sappy songs when nancy is upset so she sings and dances to cheer her up and it always works

☆nancy was the first person to know about Robin's adhd,and she's happy she was the first

☆nancy calls robin 'robbie' and robin calls nancy 'love'

☆robin takes nancy stargazing

☆they watch romance movies together and when there's a kissing scene robin kisses nancy

I'm gonna add ronance oneshots so yea be prepared

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