period... (ronance oneshot)

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A/n: this is a oneshot about robin on their period..don't ask I'm tired..
Totally_fruity did you want your suggestion to be a full story or a oneshot?

Robins pov:

I woke up. I got up and went to the's that time of the month. Ugh. I did my morning routine. And went outside.

"Your late robin." Steve said,glaring at me.

"Sorry, it's that time of the month." I say getting in.

"Oh. Jeez. That truly sucks"

"Yeah..." I say looking outside as he drives.
We ended up at 7-11.

"What are we doing here steve?" I ask looking at him.

"Snacks and drinks. For you." Steve says smiling.

"Dingus." I say getting out of the car. We both got things. I got ice cream some chips,a slushi,and a soda. Yea.. junk food. I mean Steve was paying. So it's fine. It's not like I'll gain 100 pounds. Jeez. >:(
Steve and I finally arrived at work. Customers came in time to time. It wasn't very busy today. Ding!
"Welcome to-"I looked up to see Nancy Wheeler. Okay... Why is she here. Maybe she just wants a movie? Yeah probably-

"Hey robin!" She said smiling softly at me.

"Heyo" I say looking at her. Me and her actually gotten along since the events last year. Somehow... She's not as prissy as I thought. She's pretty,kind,strong,and kinda sexy-

"Uhm robin?" She said snaping me out of my thoughts.

"Oh uh sorry, what do you need?" I ask blushing slightly.

"I'm here for you! I wanted to know if you wanted to hang out. After your done working. I could maybe pick you up..?" She said looking me in my eyes for a slit second.

"U-uhm o-oh yeah I'm mean t-that would be nice!" I say, tripping over my words.

"Cool... so at 5:00 I'll come pick you up?" She said smiling a bit more.

"Y-yeah..!" I say waving as she leaves. God.. This is getting worse..

"Oh lala you and nancys are going on a date~" Steve said teasing me.

"Shut up! It's not a date!" "But I kinda want it to be a date....ugh.." I say.

"Ask her out!" Steve says sitting next to me.

"What no I could never what if she's not-" "lesbian? Robs y'wanna know something?" "Sure.." "she's bi" "wait.. REALLY!?" I say getting up out of my chair.

"Yeah trust me I know. I wouldn't lie to you." Steve says. Yes! I might be able to get with her. But wait. Her and Jonathan. Shit..
For the rest of the night I was feeling mixed emotions about hanging out with her. Ding! I look up to see... Nancy.. she looked nice.

"U-uh you look n-nice!" I say blushing slightly.

"Thank you. Uhm shall we go?" She said opening the door more.

"Yeah" I said hopping over the counter. "BYE STEVIE!!!" " BYE ROB!!!"

Me and Nancy sat in the car. It was kinda awkward. I wanted to say something but I didn't know what. I never knew what to say.

"Why does Steve call you 'rob'?" Nancy asked.

"Oh uh it's a nickname. I call him Stevie. And he calls he rob. It's kinda just a BFF thing." I say smiling slightly. "But he is really annoying." I say. She chuckled slightly.

"Your mood seems to change...hmm..." "Oh uh..the time of the month.. hehe.." "oh I know something that will help with that." "Huh?"
She kissed my lips. Holy shit Holy Shit HOLY shit! HOLY SHIT!! She parted our lips.
"Sorry..." She said looking back at the road.
"'s cool..." I say looking away. Jeez her lips are so soft.
"Okay...yeah" She said. The rest of the ride was quiet. Once we got to her house she quickly got out and opened the car door for me.
"Gee thanks!" I say walking inside with her. "Robin?! Are you trying to date my sister or something!?" Mike said. "Shut up mike!" Nancy said grabbing my hand and pulling me upstairs. "Sorry" we said at the same time. We both started laughing. After we were done laughing she sat on her bed. I sat next to her.
"How..uh are you and Jonathan?" I asked looking at her. She looked back at me she looked a bit guilty.
"We uh..broke up.." She said looking away. "Oh..uh...sorry.." I said looking away. "But I mean did you want to?" I asked a bit happier. Maybe we could be something..more.. "I mean yeah..he seemed upset though.." She said laying her head on my shoulder. I wraped my arms around her. "It's's whatever I mean I'm not's just I feel-" "guilty?" I say finishing her sentence. "Yeah...guilty..." She said wrapping her arms around me. I layed down and we just cuddled for about 15 minutes before a fell asleep. I woke up. I was in Nancy's bed. I looked up to see Nancy sleeping peacefully. I was laying on her chest.
"Nance?" I whispered. Her eyes slowly opened.

"Oh hey morning robbie.." She said looking away.

"Robbie?" I ask laughing a bit.

"Sorry.." She said looking back a me.

" Nah its cool I like it!" I say.

"Okay.." She said.

"I'm uh gonna go to the bathroom.." I said getting up and going to her bathroom. I did 'girl stuff'. I went back to see Nancy looking through my bag.

"What are you doing?" I ask walking over to her.

"Just looking.." She said taking out my tapes

"Please don't mix those up..." I say looking at her. She smiled and put them back in.

"Thank you.." "But don't touch my stuff >:(" I say glaring at her.

"Can I tell you something?" She said looking in the eyes.

"Uhm sure..?" I say

"Uhmm well I've liked you for a long time really ever since we met and well it's kinda hard to keep it in. It's totally find if you don't like me back but uh.. do you wanna my..uhm...girlfriend?" She said smiling slightly.

"YES!" I say jumping into her arms. "I'D LOVE TOO!!" I say looking her in the eyes. She kissed my lips passionately then our lips parted. I stayed in her arms for a while before I softly kissed her neck. "I love you.." I said nuzzling into her neck. "I-i love you too..." She said laying down. We stayed like that for about an hour. Until I had to leave I gave her a kiss and left.

A/n: I cringed while making this. Sorry it's so cringy. Anyway hope you like the stories I write. C:

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